
I tried to delete custom content type from Pages library but got an exception "content type is still in use". The I get to know that files should also be deleted from "Manage files which have no checked in version" in order to delete content type from Pages library.

How I can perform this step using powershell, any code hint can help me?

È stato utile?



$web = get-spweb http://yourwebsite
$list = $web.Lists["your list"]

#get checked out files that have no major version
$checkedOutFiles = $list.CheckedOutFiles | ?{$_.Versions.Count -eq 0}

write-host ("Found "  + $checkedOutFiles.Count + " file(s)!")

foreach($file in $checkedOutFiles)
    write-host ("Parsing file: " + $file.LeafName)
    $list.GetItemById($file.ListItemId).Recycle() | Out-Null    

Altri suggerimenti

He developed a short little set of PowerShell Functions that can take ownership of the files, then recursively check in all files that are being checked out by the system account. tryt his

#Add SharePoint Snapin if not using SharePoint's PowerShell Console
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
#First function takes ownerhip of all unmanaged files with no version
function Take-Ownership{
$site = Get-SPWeb -Identity $spSite
$list = $site.Lists[$spList]

$list.CheckedOutFiles | ForEach-Object{
$_.LeafName+ " had it's ownership taken from: "+$_.CheckedOutBy.DisplayName+"`n"
#This Function takes a folder object and recursively checks in
#all files which are checked out by the System Account
function checkin-AllFiles{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

$currFolder.Files | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.CheckedOutByUser.UserLogin -eq "SHAREPOINT\system"){
$_.CheckIn("File checked in by administrator")
$_.Name+" has been checked in`n"
$currFolder.SubFolders| ForEach-Object{
checkin-AllFiles -currFolder $_
#This function basically combines the previous 2 for primary use
function Checkin-AllUnmanagedFiles{
$spSite = Get-SPWeb -identity $site
$spFolder = $spSite.Folders[$library]

"Taking ownership of the following Files`n"
Take-Ownership -spSite $site -spList $library

"Checking in the following files`n"
checkin-AllFiles -currFolder $spFolder

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