
$_product->setData($attributeCode, $attributeValue);

I can assign "normal" attributes to product like that and those attributes are visible on product page and admin panel. If I want to assign multiselect attribute it does not work.

I tried to save it with random ids and just values but nothing works.

 $_product->setData($multiselectAttributeCode, '1,2,3');
 $_product->setData($multiselectAttributeCode, ['option1', 'option2', 'option3']);

When I create multiselect attribute (code below) multiselect attribute name is visible in stores/attibutes/product tab and also is visible in panel products/catalog (it is empty without values/options). I can not see it directly on product page even if try to save it like "normal" attribute.

        $multiSelectData = ['option1', 'option2', 'option3', 'option4', 'option5'];

        $data = array(
        'attribute_set'           => 'Default',
        'group'                   => 'Autosettings',
        'type'                    => 'text',
        'backend'                 => '',
        'frontend'                => '',
        'label'                   => $attributeLabel,
        'input'                   => 'text',
        'class'                   => '',
        'source'                  => '',
        'global'                  => \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
        'visible'                 => true,
        'required'                => false,
        'user_defined'            => true,
        'default'                 => '',
        'searchable'              => true,
        'filterable'              => true,
        'comparable'              => true,
        'visible_on_front'        => true,
        'used_in_product_listing' => true,
        'unique'                  => false,
        'apply_to'                => '',
        'is_used_in_grid'         => true,
        'is_visible_in_grid'      => true,
        'is_filterable_in_grid'   => true,

    //if attribute should be multiselect change attribute data
    if (!$multiSelectData === false and is_array($multiSelectData)) {
        $data['input'] = 'multiselect';
        $data['option'] = array('values' => $multiSelectData);
    $eavSetup->addAttribute(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::ENTITY, $attributeCode, $data);

Let say I want to assign multiselect attribute with values

option1, option2, option3 to Product1,

option3, option4 to Product2.

Only those values are visible on product page. Is there way to do it?

È stato utile?


After a lot of digging I found a solution why my attribute values wasn't able to be assigned to product. In "if" add:

$data['backend'] = 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\ArrayBackend';

Whole if:

if (!$multiSelectData === false && is_array($multiSelectData)) {
        $data['input'] = 'multiselect';
        $data['option'] = array('values' => $multiSelectData);
        $data['backend'] = 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\ArrayBackend';
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