
Below is my code to export rich text content to a .CSV file. The content comes from a SharePoint list. I am using CAML to fetch the content and adding it to $Content.

This code exports the data but in an unexpected format - Single value gets exported to multiple rows, the exported content should be in one row.

$Extract = "C:\Logs\KBExtract\MyExtract.csv"

$Content = "<p>This is a test RTF</p>

Hi! I’m a test file. This is some bold text, and some italic text, as well as some underline text. And a bit of  text. So we’re going to end this paragraph here and go on to a nice little list:

<p>&bull;Item 1</p>
<p>&bull;Item 2</p>
<p>&bull;Item 3</p>
<p>&bull;Item 4</p>
<p>And now comes a fun table:</p>
<p>Cell 1Cell 2</p>
<p>More in cell 2Cell 3</p>
<p>Next rowNext row Next row</p>
<p>A page break:</p>
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
                                RichText                =  $Content                                
                             } | Export-Csv -Path $Extract -NoTypeInformation -Append  

Exported CSV Screenshot

Is this due to commas in my content? I have around 50,000 rich text values to be exported into 50,000 rows in .CSV file. But content gets mixed within the rows. What is the best way to handle this?

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Run a replace or regex over the text and remove any line feeds or carriage returns. I would do it like this:

$chars = '`n', "$([char]10)", "$([char]13)"
$pattern = [string]::join('|', ($chars | % {[regex]::escape($_)}))
$foo = $item["LongtextField"] -replace $pattern

Char[10] is a new line, line feed Char[13] is a carriage return For some reason I have found I also need the newline represented by `n but you can test for yourself.

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