
I'm creating a game that uses the arrow keys to move a sprite. I've added key bindings for the arrow keys and the letter n, but arrow keys aren't working. Here's my code:

public class MyPanel extends JPanel {

    Sprite sprite = new Sprite();

    Timer gameClock = new Timer(DELAY, new ActionListener(){
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
            // omit other methods

    // omit other member variables

    public MyPanel(){
        Abstract Action newGameAction = new AbstractAction("new game") {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){


        addKeyBinding(new Pair<String, Action>("N", newGameAction));
        ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>> pairs = sprite.findKeyBindingPairs();
        for (Pair<String, Action> p : pairs)


        // omit other panel init


    private void addKeyBindings(Pair<String, Action> pair) {
        String key = pair.getFirstElement();
        Action action = pair.getSecondElement();
        String desc = action.getValue(AbstractAction.NAME).toString();
        getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key), desc);
        getActionMap().put(desc, action);

    // omit other methods

public class Sprite {

    private class ChangeDirAction extends AbstractAction {
        int dx, dy;

        ChangeDirAction(String name, int dx, int dy){
            this.dx = dx;
            this.dy = dy;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
            setVelocity(dx, dy);

    private int dx_, dy_;
    Point pos;

    // omit other instance variables

    public void move(){
        // With printlns dx_ and dy_ are both 0 here. Why?
        Point newPos = new Point(pos);
        newPos.translate(dx_, dy_);

        // omit code to test whether newPos is valid

        if (isWall(newPos) || isOutsidePanel(newPos))
            setVelocity(0, 0);
            pos = newPos;

    private void setVelocity(int dx, int dy){
        dx_ = dx;
        dy_ = dy;
        // With printlns dx_ and dy_ change when arrow keys are pressed

    public ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>> findKeyBindingPairs(){
        Pair<String, Action> leftPair = new Pair<String, Action>("LEFT", new ChangeDirAction("left", -1, 0));
        Pair<String, Action> rightPair = new Pair<String, Action>("RIGHT", new ChangeDirAction("right", 1, 0));
        Pair<String, Action> upPair = new Pair<String, Action>("UP", new ChangeDirAction("up", 0, -1));
        Pair<String, Action> downPair = new Pair<String, Action>("DOWN", new ChangeDirAction("down", 0, 1));
        ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Action>>();
        return result;

    // omit other methods

È stato utile?


I figured it out while trying to do an SSCCE. When I start a new game, I create a new Sprite object without the key bindings of the old one, so my key binding data is lost. I moved my code to add key bindings to the doNewGame() method and it works now.

Altri suggerimenti

Don't call your custom class "Panel". There is an AWT class called "Panel" so your code is confusing. Use a more descriptive name.

The default InputMap is used to handle Key Bindings when the component has focus. I would guess you need to add:

setFocusable( true );

in the constructor of your class.

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