
I am going to take the Magento Certified Developer exam soon.
I know there are 72 questions in the exam, but I can't find any information about the passing score even from the official Magento website.

What is the passing score for the Magento Certified Developer Exam?

È stato utile?


There are different passing score for different exam. You can check the below:

Magento Certified Developer exam: Need to score 37 or higher

Magento Certified Developer Plus exam: For sections 11 & 12 combined a score of 7 or higher AND meet the overall passing score of 48 or higher

Magento Certified Front End Developer exam: Need to score 44 or higher

Magento Certified Solution Specialist exam: Need to score 39 or higher

Altri suggerimenti

  1. Magento Certified Developer exam: 37 or higher
  2. Magento Certified Developer Plus exam: For sections 11 & 12 combined a score of 7 or higher AND meet the overall passing score of 48 or higher
  3. Magento Certified Front End Developer exam: 44 or higher
  4. Magento Certified Solution Specialist exam: 39 or higher
  5. Magento 2 Certified Solutions Specialist exam: 53 or higher
  6. Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer exam: 64% or higher
  7. Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer exam: 68% or higher
  8. Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer exam: 63% or higher
  9. Magento 2 Certified Professional JavaScript Developer exam: 63% or higher

Source :

Please find the following url to get the complete details.

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