
I have our environment setup where we aren't using health data logging however I continue to get messages that state that the health data database is in secondary mode when attempting to update. I get all the way through 9 of 10 processes in PSConfig but it refuses to finish the updates and apply them to my farm because its trying to modify the health data database.

This question is 2 parts:

1) How does PSConfig know where the health database is located? Essentially, how is the connection string generated?

2) Do we even need to worry about this database being available in the HA system? The database wouldn't be located on the secondary server (because its not recommended to be in HA, so when we're on the secondary server, the database won't be able to be found...) so will this be a problem if we have it disabled in the central administration? What happens if we don't include it in the HA, force it to go directly to a single server, then that server is down, how will we be able to use it if we ever enable it again?

Error: An exception of type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was thrown. Additional exception information: The operation cannot be performed on database "SP2013_USAGE_HEALTH" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group. ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

Everywhere I've seen just says "take it out of mirroring mode", which is fine, but help me understand why it is this database is trying to be altered in the first place and why we shouldn't have it in the HA system and why we don't need to have it backed up or available in secondary mode or Disaster Recovery situation. If we don't need it, why does it exist at all then?

È stato utile?

Soluzione 3

The solution to my problem was a fairly simple, others have contributed to this answer but it wasn't entirely accurate. If you utilize an HA system you cannot have the Health Usage database in the high availability during patching as it causes the PSConfig application to error, this is what others have said and it is accurate. During the patching process the application attempts to set the database into single user mode and this cannot be done while the database is participating in a database mirroring / high availability configuration. This is what was causing my error in the first place.

If your system utilizes multiple SQL servers, if you fail over to your secondary node your system will throw critical errors until you create a new database on the node that does not have it. This is acceptable by some however I felt it was avoidable.

To proactively prevent this, all SQL servers in your high availability farm should have the database setup manually but not participating in the HA. What I did was I generated a CREATE TO script from the primary node SQL server for this database and go to each server and execute it on each server. I got errors regarding maximum key length and index errors but they were all warnings and didn't appear to effect the system that I could tell. I also received stored procedure errors noting that dependencies were missing, again, I believe those can be ignored as well as they were more than likely caused because of the order of generation of the automated script and would be created later. Use this at your own discretion. The alterative is to use the set-SPUsageApplication command however I believe this may cause additional problems if you have another database somewhere else named the same, and if you try to specify the same GUID directly it may not work as well for a duplication error. I was unable to get it to work myself, in either regard so this is why I chose to script it directly to the SQL server, hoping to avoid duplication issues.

SharePoint doesn't know your system uses a high availability so the simple solution is to backup the database and restore it on each server, but in my case I had 30GBs of data in my primary node database so I could not do that either. The content shouldn't matter according to other posters since the data is transient data. Either way, SharePoint doesn't know those servers need it setup and since you cannot utilize the high availability to generate the database on each server (which imo would be far simpler) it must be done manually for each server and this is not outlined anywhere in any whitepapers that I saw so I had to makeshift something that would solve the problem.

While the system will function without the database, you will see critical errors. This is the only method to avoid critical errors and additionally without the database in existence, PSConfig will not run as well until you create the database on a node that it does not exist in. This was the only way I was able to resolve it in an acceptable manner that stopped errors on my sharepoint farm. As this is obviously not officially adopted by Microsoft at the time of this post, use at your own discretion.

So the answers to my questions above:

1) The database connection string is configured in the original starting GUI in the PSConfig. If you use the command line it will pull the database setup from the SharePoint_Config database shown in the central administration under the System Settings -> Manage servers in this farm section. You can utilize an HA listener as long as the health usage database is not in the high availability configuration and accessible to the listener.

2) While this database is not breaking to SharePoint operations if it doesn't exist, the database is critical to proper operations and must exist in your farm, if not for day to day operations and preventing errors but also to properly patch the application as PSConfig will attempt to alter the database to single user mode during patching and will not function if the database does not exist. Additionally it will throw critical errors to your application errors log in the OS if it doesn't exist but as Trevor stated above, it will not bring your system down completely and can be handled without end users noticing any problems on their end regardless of its existence.

Altri suggerimenti

The Usage database is not supported in any form of HA (perhaps SQL Clustering, but that's a bit dated). You should instead put your Usage database on a single SQL Server and reference that SQL Server directly. Unavailability of the Usage database will not impact farm operations.

Usage database consists of transient data -- there's simply no purpose behind having this database as part of any HA or DR scenario. It also generates a high volume of transactions, which puts additional load on your HA/DR of choice.

I have written about that topic here for AvailabilityGroups, but also applies to Mirroring-Sessions:

Doesn't answer all of your questions, but still might help.

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