
We are developing an angular 5 application that must run in different environments (dev, qa, int, uat, prod), and connect to different APIs depending on the environment. We have traditionally have only 4 environments and we have a environment file for each with environment variables.

But now with the introduction of the 5th environment - integration (int) - Instead of adding a different release channel in Octopus Deploy with a different build (that use environment variables), they want the app to handle the configuration by detecting the domain in the url (at run time) and select configuration in a switch/case structure. e.g:

let apiUrl = '';
const location = window.location.origin;
  case 'https:dev.hostname.domain':
  apiUrl = '';
  case 'https:qa.hostname.domain':
  apiUrl = '';
  case 'https:int.hostname.domain':
  apiUrl = '';
  case 'https:uat.hostname.domain':
  apiUrl = '';

This is because some people are resisting to modify the CI tool configuration to add the new release channel. But this doesn't feel right to me, I think the environment variables is a better solution (different environment file is used depending on the target in the compilation phase). e.g:

//QA environment file example
export const environment: Environment = {
  production: 'false',
  apiUrl = '',
  otherEnvVar: 'whatever',

And then importing the environment where needed:

//Some app file
import {environment} from '../environments/environment';
// ... my code ...

But when trying to explain the reason I can not think of anything other than this solution seems 'ugly' to me (which is not a valid reason). So now I'm wondering if is there a valid reason to have environment variables separated from the application logic.

What would be the superior solution and why? or both are equally valid?

È stato utile?


You should definitely modify the CI to correctly set the configuration for the environment rather than trying to work it out from the Url at runtime.

You should use Ocotpus Deploy to replace config variables with its scoped project variables when you deploy.

The real reason for this is that the code shouldn't know about the potential environments it might be deployed to. I should be able to deploy the code without having to use an approved url.

However, if you are looking for a list of arguments against the idea..

  • A mistake in the url switch (such as missing out the //) will make it non functional in that env
  • The non live server urls will be exposed to users of the live url
  • Users can easily change the host header by editing their hosts file
  • What about internationalisation? .com .ie etc
  • If the Api domain changes it will require a code change rather than a config setting change
  • What about healthchecks from inside the loadbalancer, wont they come in on

Altri suggerimenti

The obvious answer would be easier configuration; if say you need to add yet another environment youd only need to make a new environment file, rather than modify and recompile the code, or say you needed to change the API URL or what have you without change in the code you can do so using the environment file.

Essentially, in this case its better to use the environment file as setup cause you dont need to handle special things outside o changing a couple variables, and this technique allows you to do so easily

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