
I am working on sharepoint on-premises 2013. and i am trying to get the ID of the "Usage and Health Data Collection Service Application", but i got different IDs:-

1) When i run this powershell i get this ID:-

PS C:\Users\spfarm.user> Get-SPServiceApplication -Name  WSS_UsageApplication

DisplayName          TypeName             Id
-----------          --------             --
WSS_UsageApplication Usage and Health ... 80ace510-005c-4786-86fc-bfd3848e2d79

While using this powershell i got this ID:-

PS C:\Users\spfarm.user> Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy

    DisplayName          TypeName             Id
    -----------          --------             --
    WSS_UsageApplication Usage and Health ... 21c44849-db6e-4be8-9d2e-84755dcc664a

so which IDs i should trust? or i have an issue inside our farm? Thanks

È stato utile?


The ID which gets from Get-SPServiceApplication command is the ID of the "Usage and Health Data Collection Service Application".

The second ID is the ID of Usage and Health Data Collection proxy. This is the proxy that virtualizes the access to the service application.

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