
First time posting to Stack Exchange, so giving this a shot in hopes someone can help. I had set up terms sets for various things under People term group in SPO and was able to assign them to new user profile properties I added. Now I want to do the same thing for our on premise SharePoint 2019. I have the same term sets defined in the on premise farm, but when I create a new user profile property, the drop down for "Pick a term set for this property" is empty. This is one farm, so publishing the term set is not the issue. Is there some step I have to do on premise that wasn't necessary with SPO to make the terms available to user profiles?

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Please go to Central Administration> Application Management> Manage Service Applications> Managed metadata Service Connection> properties as shown below:

enter image description here

Then check if "This service Application is the default storage location for column specific term sets" option has been ticked:

enter image description here


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