
Inside our online sharepoint tenant, i want to remove unwanted App Permission which were created during the development of some SharePoint add-ins, so i went to Admin center >> Apps >> App Permission:-

enter image description here

then i search for some apps using the app identifier >> click on delete, as follow:-

enter image description here

but after confirming the delete , i can still see/search the app permission identifier.. any advice how i can permanently delete unwanted App Permissions?

Nessuna soluzione corretta

Altri suggerimenti

Did you try to uninstalling the app through pnp-powershell?

here is the command that you can try..

Uninstall-PnPApp -Identity 99a00f6e-fb81-4dc7-8eac-e09c6f9132fe -Scope tenant

Remove-PnPApp -Identity 99a00f6e-fb81-4dc7-8eac-e09c6f9132fe -Scope tenant

Replace identity with your app identity.

if you find it helpful please upvote.

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