
my class naming convention: class.ClassName.php

my class file naming convention: class.classname.php (hence the strtolower).

the class files are located in the include path: /home/content/XX/XXXXXX/html/projects/include/

    class Autoload {
        public static function autoloadClasses($className) {
            $className = strtolower($className);
            $file = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include/class.' . $className. '.php';
    $register = spl_autoload_register('Autoload::autoloadClasses');

    $company = $s->company;
    $projectName = 'development';
    $items = array('type', 'scope', 'table', 'conditions');
    $things = array('select', '*', 'todos', array('company'=>$company, PROJECT_NAME=>$projectName));
    $combinedArray = array_combine($items, $things);
    $q = new Query($combinedArray);

verified classes exist and are included

on every page that makes use of a class (e.g. this one calling Query; located class.query.php:

05-Nov-2011 20:18:30]PHP Fatal error: Class 'Query' not found in /home/content/XX/XXXXXX/html/projects/check4.php on line 9

at the end of class.session.php is $s = new Session (noted here to say that the $company variable should not be empty).

I've read pretty much every article, how-to, etc. I can find. What am I missing?

running php 5.2

È stato utile?


delete the file_exists check and look at your error logs. You will see which file you were trying to require. I think it may be confusion on what __FILE__ does (because it is working on the autoload.php file).

Edit: It looks like this

dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include/class.'

should be changed to


There are a number of things for you to check to ensure that autoloading works:

  1. For your custom autoloading to be active it must be registered. So the spl_autoload_register('Autoload::autoloadClasses') must be executed. A good way of doing this is to edit php.ini and set the auto_prepend file to call your autoload file.
  2. Your autoload code must then find the correct file with the correct extension (possibly respecting the php include_path priority that you want).
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