
Is there a tool available which would convert the sources given into HTML with links?

By links I mean that every type, class, and method used would point via href to its definition.

I haven't managed to make highlight, syntax-highlight, nor pygments work this way. Even if it supports input from ctags, it only adds the title attribute, but not links.

È stato utile?


Highlight can easily be modified to support things such as adding links to function / class definitions, as well as manual entries.

I was able to hook on to the class and function detection, and have each instance linked to the PHP Manual in my testing. I don't know what you'd want yours to link to, so it's your choice (per language, of course.)

Altri suggerimenti

Depending upon the language of your source code you might want to use doxygen. It supports a variety of source languages and can export the comments to HTML and LaTeX.

Many modern languages, like Java or C# support XML-comments to document the source code. You can then extract these comments into a single XML file by compiling them with special options. From this XML you can then easily produce HTML by adding an appropriate CSS sheet. MSDN documentation, for example, is largely based upon these HTML files generated in automated mode.

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