
I am filtering product collection like below.

    $productSkuString = 'O, C, D, A, F, S';
        $productSkus = explode(', ', $productSkuString); 
        $collection = $this->collectionFactory->create()
                'sku', array('in' => $productSkus)
        return $collection;

The above code filtering the product collection with mentioned skus. but not in the same order of the sku.

I need to load the product with same order where the sku is mentioned.

Currently its loading the product in random order.

Can anyone look into it and update me please

È stato utile?


Use setOrder as below to sort product collection

 $productSkuString = 'O, C, D, A, F, S';
 $collection = $this->collectionFactory->create()
                'sku', array('in' => $productSkus)
        ->setOrder(new Zend_Db_Expr("FIND_IN_SET('sku', ".$productSkuString.") ASC"))


Altri suggerimenti

Use below code

$productSkus = array("O","C","D","A");
$collection = $this->collectionFactory->create()
                'sku', array('in' => $productSkus)
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