
We're looking for a way to standardize the entry of phone numbers entered in a form to be, for example, (444) 555-666. Right now you can enter it as any format, such as 4445556666 or 444-555-6666 and there's no standardization. I'd like a way for the number to be converted to the former format when it's entered into the database.

Here is the HTML code for the form:

  <td align="right">
    <label for="phone_number">Telephone:</label>
    <input type="text" name="phone_number" value="#form.phone_number#" />

This, along with all other data, is entered into the database using a cfquery INSERT INTO command. I can provide that code if needed. Here's an abbridged version:

INSERT INTO Schedule_Registrations(

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

È stato utile?


The way I've chosen to deal with this issue is to store raw numbers in the database, and then display them how I want on a web page. To normalize the numbers, use a simple regex:

<cfset cleanPhoneNumber = reReplace(form.phoneNumber, "[^0-9]", "", "ALL")>

Store cleanPhoneNumber in the database, and then use a simple format function to display it:

<cffunction name="formatPhoneNumber">
    <cfargument name="phoneNumber" required="true">

    <cfif len(phoneNumber) EQ 10>
        <!--- This only works with 10-digit US/Canada phone numbers --->
        <cfreturn "(#left(phoneNumber, 3)#) #mid(phoneNumber, 4, 3)#-#right(phoneNumber, 4)#">

    <cfreturn phoneNumber>

The challenge is that outside the US there is not a standardized way to format numbers (that I've found). Also be careful if you allow a user to enter an extension in the phone number field.

Altri suggerimenti

I liked Scott's approach. So I combined it and made a function for <cfscript>

string function formatPhone(required string phoneNumber) output="false"    {

    arguments.phoneNumber = reReplace(arguments.phoneNumber, "[^0-9]", "", "ALL");

    if (len(arguments.phoneNumber) == 10)   {
        return "(#left(arguments.phoneNumber, 3)#) #mid(arguments.phoneNumber, 4, 3)#-#right(arguments.phoneNumber, 4)#";

    return arguments.phoneNumber;
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