
when i enable "Allow Alert When Product Comes Back in Stock" on magneto admin backend and it shows "Notify me when this product is in stock" on product page. I want to edit the product alert text on front but how? i have no idea, please help!

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Altri suggerimenti

You can turn on your Template Path Hints and see which file it is.

Check this link:

And when you are editing you should follow Magento's best practice.

Template customization walkthrough

To customize a template:

  1. Locate the template which is associated with the page/block you want to change using template hints.

  2. Copy the template to your theme folder according to the template storing convention.

  3. Make the required changes.

To add a new template in a theme:

  1. Add a template in your theme directory according to the template storing convention.

  2. Assign your template to a block in the corresponding layout file.


Override vendor/magento/module-product-alert/view/frontend/layout/catalog_product_view.xml to your theme and change the setSignupLabel in productalert.stock block

Actually there's another easier way which is Inline Translate.

Translating is simply just changing 1 text to another.

You can use Inline Translate or Translate using the i18n folder that Magento provided.

More information can be found here:

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