
Qualcuno potrebbe indicarmi un po 'di codice / darmi idee su come creare un riquadro scorrevole verticale scorrevole per VFP 8 o 9?

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Ecco un programma rapido che farà scorrere i messaggi. Inserisci quanto segue in un file prg ed eseguilo.

Renderei un containerScrollArea una classe che incapsula il timer, le etichette e il codice a scorrimento. Dagli il metodo GetNextMessage che puoi sostituire per recuperare i messaggi.

* Put a container on the screen to hold our scroller
_screen.AddObject("containerScrollArea", "container")

WITH _Screen.containerScrollArea
    * Size it
    .Visible = .t.
    .Width = 100
    .Height = 100

    * Add two labels, one to hold each scrolling message
    .AddObject("labelScroll1", "Label") 
    .AddObject("labelScroll2", "Label") 

    * This timer will move the labels to scroll them
    .AddObject("timerScroller", "ScrollTimer")

WITH _Screen.containerScrollArea.labelScroll1
    * The labels are positioned below the margin of the container, so they're not initially visible
    .Top = 101
    .Height = 100
    .Visible = .t.
    .WordWrap = .t.
    .BackStyle= 0
    .Caption = "This is the first scrolling text, which is scrolling."

WITH _Screen.containerScrollArea.labelScroll2
    * The labels are positioned below the margin of the container, so they're not initially visible
    .Top = 200
    .Height = 100
    .Visible = .t.
    .WordWrap = .t.
    .BackStyle= 0
    .Caption = "This is the second scrolling text, which is scrolling."

* Start the timer, which scrolls the labels
_Screen.containerScrollArea.timerScroller.Interval = 100

DEFINE CLASS ScrollTimer AS Timer

        * If the first label is still in view, move it by one pixel
        IF This.Parent.labelScroll1.Top > -100
            This.Parent.labelScroll1.Top = This.Parent.labelScroll1.Top - 1
            * If the first label has scrolled out of view on the top of the container, move it back to the bottom.
            This.Parent.labelScroll1.Top = 101
            * Load some new text here

        IF This.Parent.labelScroll2.Top > -100
            * If the second label is still in view, move it by one pixel
            This.Parent.labelScroll2.Top = This.Parent.labelScroll2.Top - 1
            * If the second label has scrolled out of view on the top of the container, move it back to the bottom.
            This.Parent.labelScroll2.Top = 101
            * Load some new text here

Altri suggerimenti

Puoi utilizzare Contenitore scorrevole

Sfortunatamente la natura del mio lavoro non mi lascia il tempo di scherzare con la grafica, tuttavia se lo facessi analizzerei l'utilizzo di GDI + con VFP. Ecco un articolo per iniziare

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