
I'm working on a project where I need to batch convert files to multiple media formats, some of which will be streamed to iPhone. I'm using ffmpeg on a CentOS server, and have been using mediafilesegmenter locally to create m3u8 playlists, and it's gone swimmingly, but, in trying to get the process going on the unix server, I can't seem to find a ported/alternative version of mediafilesegmenter to use on a centOS server.

So, here's the question:

Where can I find a ported or open source version of mediafilesegmenter?

in addition, I'll need the same solution for variantplaylistcreator, although if absolutely necessary I imagine I could create a script to generate these.

Any ideas? I believe there is a tool called "segmenter" out there, but it's not in any of my repos, and I can't seem to track down a repo that has it.

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I'm working at a company with some thousands of (payment) videos. We are using (for more than 2 years) a segmenter based on Jesse's and works great get it here

PD: Older versions of ffmpeg have relevant bugs

Found this source :, which is an open source segmenter, on this article:, which has some good info about streaming.

Just in case anyone else has this issue.

Also for anyone in future - have tried both this and another OSS segmenter - and they were causing some artifacts in playback in JWPlayer flash (but not in native iDevices). Also, according to this Zencoder post - apple segmenter is more efficient with the streams it produces:

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