
So his help site states that "All statements, including function declarations, must be correctly terminated with semi-colons."

But in this sample code, he specifically say not to end the if statement in semicolon.

So is there a complete list of what should be ended with a semicolon? I was looking at my Javscript code and here are some cases I wasn't sure was proper format for the packer:


for( i in cities ) {
    alert( i );


var map = {
    city : 'atlanta',
    year : 1987


var info_window = new google.maps.InfoWindow( {
    content : content_div,
    zIndex  : INFO_WINDOW_Z
}; );


var options = {
    business : business,
    columns  : [ 'url', 'image_url', 'expiration', 'percent_discount', 'claimed', 'fine_print' ];


$( warp_content ).hover( function() {
    $( deal_description ).fadeIn( 'fast' );
};, function() {
    $( deal_description ).fadeOut( 'fast' );
}; );
È stato utile?


There are rules, but sometimes they may not be obvious. Essentially, the following statements do not need terminating semicolons:

  • if (...) { }
  • for (...) { }
  • while (...) { } (except in do { } while (...);)
  • function (...) { } (except for examples such as var f = function() { }; where an anonymous function is part of a larger statement)
  • try { } catch (...) { }
  • with (...) { }

Essentially, anywhere { } surrounds a group of statements, that is a block and no terminating semicolon is required.

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