
I have a generative art app, and I'd like it to draw as many cycles as possible each frame without reducing the framerate. Is there a way to tell how much time is left until the screen updates/refreshes?

I figure if I can approximate how many milliseconds each cycle takes, then I can run cycles until the amount of time left is less than the average or the peak cycle time, then let the screen refresh, then run another set of cycles.

È stato utile?


If you want your app to run at N frames per second, then you can draw in a loop for 1/N seconds*, where N is typically the stage framerate (which you can get and set):

import flash.utils.getTimer;

private var _time_per_frame:uint;

... Somewhere in your main constructor:

stage.frameRate = 30;
_time_per_frame = 1000 / stage.frameRate;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handle_enter_frame);


private function handle_enter_frame(e:Event):void
  var t0:uint = getTimer();

  while (getTimer()-t0 < _time_per_frame) {
    // ... draw some stuff
  • Note that this is somewhat of a simplification, and may cause a slower resultant framerate than specified by stage.frameRate, because Flash needs some time to perform the rendering in between frames. But if you're blitting (drawing to a Bitmap on screen) as opposed to drawing in vector or adding Shapes to the screen, then I think the above should actually be pretty accurate.

If the code results in slower-than-desired framerates, you could try something as simple as only taking half the allotted time for a frame, leaving the other half for Flash to render:

_time_per_frame = 500 / stage.frameRate;

There are also FPS monitors around that you could use to monitor your framerate while drawing. Google as3 framerate monitor.

Altri suggerimenti

Put this code to main object and check - it will trace time between each frame start .

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME , oef);
var step:Number = 0;
var last:Number = Date.getTime();
function oef(e:Event):void{
    var time:Number = Date.getTime();
    step = time - last;
    last = time;

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