
So, given that I have an instance of this component:


  <cffunction name="locateMe">
    <cfreturn "I don't know where I live!">

And, this other component, fooParent.cfc:

  <cfset = createObject("component", "foo")>

Let's say I create instances of "foo" a few different ways:

<cfset myStruct = {}>
<cfset = createObject("component", "foo")>

<cfset myFoo = createObject("component", "foo")>

<cfset myFooParent = createObject("component", "fooParent")>


As expected, this outputs:

I don't know where I live!
I don't know where I live!
I don't know where I live!

What I want to know is, what can I possibly do within foo.cfc that will tell me something (anything!) about the context in which it is being invoked? Since everything ultimately lives in (at least) a scope of some sort, and all scopes are a kind of object, what I'm saying is that I would really like some way to determine the containing object, from within a given instantiated object. Ultimately, some way of building foo.cfc so that something like this could be my output, from my sample snippet above:

I live within a "class coldfusion.runtime.Struct" instance!
I live within a "class coldfusion.runtime.VariableScope" instance!
I live within a "component cfjunk.fooParent" instance!

Where each of those values might be determined by inspecting the result from passing getMetaData the actual containing object reference.

Update As suggested by Micah in the comments, I've added the "Java" tag to this, since I suspect he could be correct in that the solution may lie in using Java for introspection.


Rather than leave this as what appears to be a purely-academic discussion, let me explain why I need this.

I'm using CFWheels ORM with includes to get back references to my data like so:

var user = model("User").findOne(where="id=123", include="AuthSource", returnAs="object");

This will return to me an object that I can reference like so: // property of the "User" model
user.reset() // method on the "User" model // property of the "AuthSource" model
user.AuthSource.authenticate(password) // method on the "AuthSource" model

Now, within my "AuthSource.authenticate" method, I would like to know about the "User" object that I'm contained within. Otherwise, I will end up having to call the function like this, instead:

user.AuthSource.authenticate(user, password) // note the redundancy in the use of "user"

I should be able to rely on the fact that I'm calling the method on the AuthSource model through the User object and actually read from that object from within that method.

È stato utile?


Its been a very long time since i've done coldfusion, so forgive my pseudocode, but I think what one normally does in these sort of instances, is have the parent send a copy of itself to the child, when it instantiates the child. This is used in a lot of OOP design patterns where two objects need to communicate with each other both ways, not just the parent calling methods on the child.

so your child class would be defined as something like this:

  <cffunction name="init">
     <cfargument name="parentParam" required="yes" type="object">
     <cfset this.parent = parentParam >
      <cfreturn this> 
  <cffunction name="locateMe">
    <cfreturn "I belong to #this.parent.className# !">
 <cffunction name="doOtherStuff">
    <cfreturn "I do stuff with my parent: #this.parent.className# !">

and then when you use it...

<cfset myParent.child = createObject("component", "Object").init(myParent) />

parentParam would be a required parameter in a constructor method called "init", so the child always has a reference to its parent. Then all your methods can make use of this.parent to do stuff with it. In my code example, i do #this.parent.className# but have no idea of coldfusion objects have such a property. Probably you can use reflection or meta-programming of some sort to do the same thing.

Please note: from what i gather, coldfusion does not have support for constructors built in, so I'm showing you is a community standard best practice from this site:

I'm sorry you are doing colfusion by the way... ;)

Altri suggerimenti

I've removed all previous as it seemed to not be helpful. Following your later comments the following is a suggestion that I believe may be more down the lines of what you are aiming to do.

// Object
<cfcomponent displayname="Object">
    <cffunction name="init">
        <cfargument name="username" type="string">
            variables.username = arguments.username;
            variables.authSource = CreateObject('component','AuthSource').init();
        <cfreturn this>
    <cffunction name="authenticate">
        <cfargument name="password" type="string">
        <cfreturn variables.authSource.authenticate(variables.username,arguments.password)>

<cfcomponent displayname="AuthSource">
    <cffunction name="init">
        <cfreturn this>
    <cffunction name="authenticate">
        <cfargument name="username" type="string">
        <cfargument name="password" type="string">

            .... DO STUFF ...

        <cfreturn ...>

    objUser = CreateObject('component','Object').init('SomeUserName');
    // Authenticate

This way, AuthSource doesn't need to know about the parent object, however at the same time someone authenticating doesn't need to pass in the username again. The Object (parent object) has a wrapper method for authenticate that adds in the username.

Is this of any further assistance?

I know this isn't relevant right now but the next version of CF (Zeus) has a function to do this

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