
I have ListPreference and it contains for example 5 options and I want to save one of this value to SharedPreferences when user selects it. How can I do it?

btw. I know how to save value to SharedPreferences, but I don't know how to get that value when user selects one of them.

È stato utile?


OnPreferenceChangeListener listener = new OnPreferenceChangeListener() {    
    public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object newValue) {
        // newValue is the value you choose
        return true;


Altri suggerimenti

I access mine like this.. Please see example below

In my preference.xml file:

            android:dialogTitle="Choose an option please"
            android:title="SQS Endpoints" >

my String.xml:

<string-array name="sqsItems">
        <item>US East (N. Virginia)</item>
        <item>Asia Pacific (Singapore)</item>
        <item>Asia Pacific (Tokyo)</item>
    <string-array name="sqsValues">

And then I get the selected value like this from anywhere:

SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager
        String END_POINT = pref.getString("SQS_ENDPOINT", "");

In your xml file you provide SharedPreferences key for your list.


Every time user selects item from the list it is saved to the default SharedPreferences

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