
I have this function:

show_employee_table() ->
    do(qlc:q([B || B <- mnesia:table(employee)])).

What it does is that it goes to a table called employee and prints the contents to the user.

Concept: I want to make another function say called show(times) -->, this function will take a table name and the number of times to call the show_table function.

If I input (employee,100), I want to have a for loop that runs 100 times, the idea is to measure the time taken to run the loop. In java I would do something like this:

Time t =;
for ( I=0; I<N; I++){
show_employee_table() ->
    do(qlc:q([B || B <- mnesia:table(employee)])).

Time t2 =;

timetaken = t2 - t1;

That's how I want to do it, but in erlang. I just don't know the syntax in erlang and I would appreciate it if someone can help me.

È stato utile?


For time measurement, use: timer:tc/1, timer:tc/2, timer:tc/3. So we will have a recursive function called loop which may be doing anything you want. Then we would measure the time it takes to loop by applying

{TimeTaken,Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE,loop,Args).

Args must be a list of arguments to the function say, a table and a number, like this

   Args = [employee,100],
   {TimeTaken,_Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE,loop,Args),

loop(_,0) -> done;
  %%% do something ....
  loop(Table, Number - 1).

That's the correct erlang implementation of your java code. Follow the link to the timing function to see in which units the time is returned.

Altri suggerimenti

Erlang doesn't have loops like java. Instead you would be using recursion. Eg:

show_employee_table(0) -> done;
show_employee_table(Times) ->
    do(qlc:q([B || B <- mnesia:table(employee)])),
    show_employee_table(Times - 1)

You would cont down for each step, and when you reach 0 you are done..

If you do this alot you could make a function for it:

times(_, 0) -> done;
times(Call, Times) ->
   times(Call, Times - 1)

Call it like this:

   times(fun () ->  show_employee_table() end, N).
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