
I'm trying to override Rails' "fields_for" method, which I'm currently doing as follows:

module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
  include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper

  alias_method :original_fields_for, :fields_for

  def fields_for(<my arguments>)
    # Some extra stuff
    # ...
    output.safe_concat original_fields_for(<my other arguments>)


The functionality works just fine, but I'm starting to suspect that my use of alias_method isn't the most elegant. Most especially, if I were to package this functionality into a gem, and there were another gem that overrode fields_for, am I write in thinking either my new fields_for OR the alternate fields_for would be skipped?

Assuming so, what's the correct way to go about slapping in some extra functionality to an existing rails method?


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this seems like exactly the situation that alias_method_chain is meant for (although I don't know offhand if it will work on a Module - have only used it on AR::Base)

You'd just do

module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
    include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper

    alias_method_chain :fields_for, :honeypot

    def fields_for_with_honeypot(<my arguments>)
        # Some extra stuff
        # ...
        output.safe_concat fields_for_without_honeypot(<my other arguments>)

interesting idea to do this to fields_for, but it should work.

There is a minor controversy around a_m_c you should be aware of - this post sums it up well

In this case, I don't think you can use super because you want to monkey-patch form_for without modifying the calling code/views.

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