
I've converted an .mp4 video into .ogg and .webm formats (with ffmpeg) and used videojs to create the following web page that plays the video on all browsers (IE6-IE9, safari, chrome, opera, firefox):

However, Firefox (12.0) does not always play the audio, depending on how the page is accessed:

Playing from file:// with the webm source before ogg, Firefox plays fine:

<source src="videos/damconnect.mp4" type='video/mp4'>
<source src="videos/damconnect.webm" type='video/webm'>
<source src="videos/damconnect.ogg" type='video/ogg'>

But playing from file:// with the ogg source before webm, Firefox plays without audio:

And playing from http:// with either ogg or webm first, Firefox plays without audio.

How can I get Firefox to play via http:// with audio?


Also: Opera will not play the video if ogg is listed first (just spins, doesn't start).

I notice that my server seems to be sending a text/plain header with the .webm video, how can I change that?

enter image description here


I added this .htaccess file to the directory where index.htm is, which fixed the problem:

AddType audio/ogg oga ogg
AddType video/ogg ogv
AddType video/webm webm
È stato utile?


For the text/plain - edit your mime.types file (~www/conf) and add webm/video webm

Chances are you are having the same problem with ogg/ogv, add mime type ogg/video ogg ogv

Also ensure the audio codec is correct on conversion.


Ok, I see you added it to the httpd.conf - just read this

10.5.31. TypesConfig TypesConfig names the file which sets the default list of MIME type mappings (file name extensions to content types). The default TypesConfig file is /etc/mime.types. Instead of editing /etc/mime.types, the recommended way to add MIME type mappings is to use the AddType directive.

For more information about AddType, refer to Section 10.5.54 AddType.

Although I can find any argument as to why...

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