
I'm just starting to play around with Ruby Motion (v 1.9) and I'm having some trouble including BubbleWrap (v 0.2.1) into my project.

My Rakefile looks like:

require 'motion/project'
require 'rubygems'
require 'bubble-wrap'

Motion::Project::App.setup do |app|
  # Use `rake config' to see complete project settings. = "Hello"
  app.device_family = :ipad #[:ipad,:iphone]

  app.files += Dir.glob(File.join(app.project_dir, 'vendor/BubbleWrap/lib/**/*.rb'))

I've also tried by just using

require 'bubble-wrap'

but I consistently get an error that looks like this:

ERROR! Can't resolve dependency `/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bubble-wrap
0.2.1/lib/pollute.rb' because ./Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bubble-wrap-0.2.1/lib/pollute.rb 
is not in ["./app/app_delegate.rb", 
"./app/login_controller.rb", "/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bubble-wrap-0.2.1/lib/bubble-wrap/app.rb", 

Do the newer versions of RubyMotion not work with BubbleWrap?

È stato utile?


UPDATE: This was fixed as of bubble-wrap 0.3.1

This is a bug in the bubble-wrap gem, it's trying to prepend the gem's path with a ./. I opened a pull request.

For now, you can either use something like RVM or rbenv to install a separate copy of Ruby and use that, or you can manually patch /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bubble-wrap-0.2.1/lib/bubble-wrap.rb by changing line 14 to this:

path = /^\.|\/Users\/|\/Library\/Ruby\/Gems\//.match(x) ? x : File.join('.', x)
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