
I was reading through the tips and tricks post and I thought I'd try out some of the C# stuff that I'd never done before. Therefore, the following code serves no actual purpose, but is just a 'test function' to see what happens.

Anyway, I have two static private fields:

private static volatile string staticVolatileTestString = "";
private static int threadInt = 0;

As you can see, I'm testing ThreadStaticAttribute and the volatile keyword.

Anyway, I have a test method that looks like this:

private static string TestThreadStatic() {
    // Firstly I'm creating 10 threads (DEFAULT_TEST_SIZE is 10) and starting them all with an anonymous method
    List<Thread> startedThreads = new List<Thread>();
    for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_TEST_SIZE; ++i) {
        Thread t = new Thread(delegate(object o) {
            // The anon method sets a newValue for threadInt and prints the new value to the volatile test string, then waits between 1 and 10 seconds, then prints the value for threadInt to the volatile test string again to confirm that no other thread has changed it
            int newVal = randomNumberGenerator.Next(10, 100);
            staticVolatileTestString += Environment.NewLine + "\tthread " + ((int) o) + " setting threadInt to " + newVal;
            threadInt = newVal;
            Thread.Sleep(randomNumberGenerator.Next(1000, 10000));
            staticVolatileTestString += Environment.NewLine + "\tthread " + ((int) o) + " finished: " + threadInt;

    foreach (Thread th in startedThreads) th.Join();

    return staticVolatileTestString;

What I'd expect to see returned from this function is an output like this:

thread 0 setting threadInt to 88
thread 1 setting threadInt to 97
thread 2 setting threadInt to 11
thread 3 setting threadInt to 84
thread 4 setting threadInt to 67
thread 5 setting threadInt to 46
thread 6 setting threadInt to 94
thread 7 setting threadInt to 60
thread 8 setting threadInt to 11
thread 9 setting threadInt to 81
thread 5 finished: 46
thread 2 finished: 11
thread 4 finished: 67
thread 3 finished: 84
thread 9 finished: 81
thread 6 finished: 94
thread 7 finished: 60
thread 1 finished: 97
thread 8 finished: 11
thread 0 finished: 88

However, what I'm getting is this:

thread 0 setting threadInt to 88
thread 4 setting threadInt to 67
thread 6 setting threadInt to 94
thread 7 setting threadInt to 60
thread 8 setting threadInt to 11
thread 9 setting threadInt to 81
thread 5 finished: 46
thread 2 finished: 11
thread 4 finished: 67
thread 3 finished: 84
thread 9 finished: 81
thread 6 finished: 94
thread 7 finished: 60
thread 1 finished: 97
thread 8 finished: 11
thread 0 finished: 88

The second 'half' the output is as expected (which I suppose means that the ThreadStatic field is working like I thought), but it seems like a few of the initial outputs have been 'skipped' from the first 'half'.

Additionally, the threads in the first 'half' are out of order, but I understand that a thread does not immediately run as soon as you call Start(); but instead the internal OS controls will be starting the threads as it sees fit. EDIT: No they're not, actually, I just thought they were because my brain misses the consecutive numbers

So, my question is: What's going wrong to cause me to lose a few lines in the first 'half' of the output? For example, where is the line 'thread 3 setting threadInt to 84'?

È stato utile?


Threads are executing at the same time. What conceptually happens is this:

staticVolatileTestString += Environment.NewLine + "\tthread " + ((int) o) + " setting threadInt to " + newVal;
  1. Thread 1 reads staticVolatileTestString
  2. Thread 2 reads staticVolatileTestString
  3. Thread 3 reads staticVolatileTestString
  4. Thread 1 appends the stuff and writes staticVolatileTestString back
  5. Thread 2 appends the stuff and writes staticVolatileTestString back
  6. Thread 3 appends the stuff and writes staticVolatileTestString back

That causes your lines to be lost. Volatile doesn't help here; the whole process of concatenating the string is not atomic. You need to use a lock around those operations:

private static object sync = new object();

lock (sync) {
    staticVolatileTestString += Environment.NewLine + "\tthread " + ((int) o) + " setting threadInt to " + newVal;

Altri suggerimenti

The MSDN describes what the keyword volatile does here:

The volatile keyword indicates that a field might be modified by multiple concurrently executing threads. Fields that are declared volatile are not subject to compiler optimizations that assume access by a single thread. This ensures that the most up-to-date value is present in the field at all times.

This means, in your example, what happens is about this (this can vary from time to time; depends on the scheduler):

  • thread 0 is reading the string out of staticVolatileTestString
  • thread 0 is appending 'thread 0 setting threadInt to 88'
  • thread 0 is writing the string back into staticVolatileTestString

this is like expected so far, but then:

  • thread 1-4 are reading the string out of staticVolatileTestString
  • thread 1 is appending 'thread 1 setting threadInt to 97'
  • thread 2 is appending 'thread 2 setting threadInt to 11'
  • thread 2 is writing the string back into staticVolatileTestString
  • ... threads 1, 2, 3 are reading and appending, and writing
  • thread 4 is writing the string back into staticVolatileTestString
  • and so on...

see what happened here? thread 4 read the string 'thread 0 setting threadInt to 88', appended its 'thread 4...' and wrote it back, overwriting everything thread 1, 2 and 3 had written into the string already.

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