
I have a Drupal photography website. Images are important to me and no matter how hard I try, how hard I google, I couldn't get those images to work on Facebook Open Graph sharing.

  1. I am using Drupal 7.14.

  2. Users upload photos by using Plupload plugin.

  3. Over-sized photos are automatically resized by Plupload resize function.

  4. These photos are uploaded into a custom-directory. eg. sites/default/files/products/[user:id]/

  5. The photos are thumbnailed and styled according to Drupal core styling. eg. sites/default/files/styles/large/

  6. These photos are displayed in a overriden node page, which I have customized using Panels.

  7. Drupal modules currently don't support Open Graph tags for Panels, so I created them myself using drupal_add_html_head.

    // OG Image Tag
    $node = node_load(%node:nid);
    $user = $node->uid;
    $filename = $node->field_product_photos['und'][0]['filename'];
    $base_url = "http://www.[my-web-site].com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/products";
    $image_url = $base_url . "/" . $user . "/" . $filename;

    // Thus $image_url outputs my full image url address. eg. http://www.[my-web-site].com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/products/1/[IMAGE].JPG

    $element = array (
    '#tag' => 'meta',
    '#attributes' => array(
    'property' => 'og:image',
    'content' => $image_url
    require_once 'includes/';
    drupal_add_html_head($element, 'og_image');

  8. I use to check my OG tags. og:title, og:image, og:url, og:description works like a charm with no problems.

  9. However Facebook Debugger returns only ONE problem.
    That is - Unable to download og:image: The image referenced by the url of og:image tag could not be downloaded.

  10. I can confirm that could display my og:image and the image url is healthy.

  11. I am using HTTP, so HTTPS bug for Facebook og:image is irrelevant.

  12. I have ALT-txt for my images.

  13. I have also included <link rel="image_src" href="[IMAGE_LINK]"into <HEAD>.

  14. My image sizes fulfills Facebook's criteria. At least 200px for both dimensions and not more than 3:1 by proportion.

  15. I have declared og:namespace in my page.tpl.php file.

  16. No matter how hard I Google and amend the codes and try new images. Facebook still never display my photos and returns the error as in note #9.

  17. Image such as my website logo can be displayed in Facebook sharing. The only images not displaying is from the custom node page/panel.

  18. I have tried to amend FTP permissions for the images but still failed.

  19. I suspect that Plupload plugin is the culprit that the images it resize cannot be rendered by Facebook OG.

  20. I also suspect that could be a case-sensitivity issues on the file name or on the extensions of the image.

I have worked more than 24 hours on this problem and hopes are fading. I am still hopeful that I can find my enlightenment on the problem here. Please do assist me if you know the solution or you are experiencing the same problem.

Thank you.

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The problem above occurred because of a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on the image. The image appears well with internet browser but is inaccessible by search engine bots.

I have solved the problem by disabling Option FollowSymLinks in the .htaccess file in /public_html/sites/default/files/ folder.

To disable the option permanently, you have to erase the content of the .htaccess file while retaining the file itself in the folder.

Hope that helps, cheers.

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