Accessing WCF REST operation using WebChannelFactory when the operation has UriTemplate specified



I have a WCF Rest service as per the code snippet below

public interface IService
        bool SaveList(List<Foo> myFoos);


The service is a self hosted service and exposes a an endpoint with webHttpBinding. I have a client console application which has the following code snippet:

public void Send()
   var myObj = new Foo{Id=1, Name="Test"};
   using (WebChannelFactory<OurService.Services.IOurService> cf = new WebChannelFactory<IOurService>("WebHttpBinding_IService"))
       IUtranetService channel = cf.CreateChannel();
       using (new OperationContextScope(channel as IContextChannel))
           var status = channel.SaveList(new[] { myObj });




The client code throws an exception as follows: There was no endpoint listening at "http://localhost:1133/Service/SaveList" that could accept the message.

I am not sure where I am going wrong. If I remove the UriTemplate from the service contract, the client returns back the right response.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards Ruchitra

È stato utile?


Your URI template is incorrect. You need to change it to this:


It does not automatically append your method name.

Also FYI as per the comment I left, you dont need Method="Post"

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