Ant and Jacoco: Need to set junit's fork to “true” but not property that's true


  •  27-06-2021
  •  | 


I'm using the Jacoco Junit task and tried the following:

    <!-- run the junit tests -->
    <echo>DEBUG: $${junit.fork} = "${junit.fork}"</echo>
        <junit fork="${junit.fork}" includeAntRuntime="true">
                <pathelement path="${main.destdir}"/>
                <pathelement path="${test.destdir}"/>
            <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
            <formatter type="${junit.formatter.type}"/>
            <batchtest      todir="${junit.batchtest.todir}">
                <fileset dir="${test.destdir}" />

And got the following:

     [echo] DEBUG: ${junit.fork} = "true"
[jacoco:coverage] Enhancing junit with coverage

D:\build.xml:233: Coverage can only be applied on a forked VM

Total time: 6 seconds


As you can see, ${junit.fork} property was set to true, and I used that property in <junit fork="${junit.fork}"/>.

However, instead of using that property, I simply set <junit fork="true">, it works fine:

        <junit fork="true" includeAntRuntime="true">
                <pathelement path="${main.destdir}"/>
                <pathelement path="${test.destdir}"/>
            <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
            <formatter type="${junit.formatter.type}"/>
            <batchtest      todir="${junit.batchtest.todir}">
                <fileset dir="${test.destdir}" />

I have run ant -d test to verify that the Java JVM is forking when I use the ${junit.fork} property.

Why is JaCoCo insisting that the JUnit test isn't being forked unless I set the fork parameter to the string true and not to a property that's equals true?

È stato utile?


According to the Jacoco coverage task source code :

public void enhanceTask(final Task task) {
    final RuntimeConfigurable configurableWrapper = task.getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper();

    final String forkValue = (String) configurableWrapper.getAttributeMap().get("fork");
    if (!Project.toBoolean(forkValue)) {
        throw new BuildException("Coverage can only be applied on a forked VM", getLocation());

The forkValue is read from the configurableWrapper. The attribute map values (like ${junit.fork}) are evalutated using the method RuntimeConfigurable.maybeConfigure which is invoked by Task.mayBeConfigure. And when you continue to look at the Jacoco source code :

public void addTask(final Task task) {
    if (childTask != null) {
        throw new BuildException("Only one child task can be supplied to the coverge task", getLocation());
    this.childTask = task;
    final String subTaskTypeName = task.getTaskType();
    final TaskEnhancer enhancer = findEnhancerForTask(subTaskTypeName);
    if (enhancer == null) {
        throw new BuildException(format("%s is not a valid child of the coverage task", subTaskTypeName), getLocation());
    if (isEnabled()) {
        log(format("Enhancing %s with coverage", childTask.getTaskName()));

This method (mayBeConfigure) is invoked after the task has been enhanced (enhancer.enhanceTask(task);). I guess that it is your problem and a bug... and we should report it to the jacoco bug tracker.

Jacoco issue

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