
A widgets can or not be on a controller view, and some of widget affecting listView.

I have stalled on a afterAjaxUpdate JS event in CListView. The widget - is a product filter, which updating the list view. My problem is when I want to update my filters after update list view. Of course I can configure update code in List View, but I think is wrong, because this behaviors belongs to filter widget.

I tried this in widget

$("#' . $this->listViewId . '").yiiListView.settings.afterAjaxUpdate = function(id, data) {
    console.log(id, data);

But ListView js going below and obviously it's a bad solution.

I thinking about some public widget events, so I can address to listview widget through filter widget and put event there.

Maybe someone has faced with related problems or have better ideas? Thanks.

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Try this way to add afterAjaxUpdate method for your CListView.

Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('handle_ajax_function', "
function addLoadingClass(id,result)
function removeLoadingClass(id,result)

$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
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