
I'm trying to solve a simple algorithm a specific way where it takes the current row and adds it to the top most row. I know there are plenty of ways to solve this but currently I have a text file that gets read line by line. Each line is converted to an sbyte (there's a certain reason why I am using sbyte but it's irrelevant to my post and I won't mention it here) and added to a list. From there, the line is reversed and added to another list. Here's the code I have for that first part:

        List<List<sbyte>> largeNumbers = new List<List<sbyte>>();
        List<string> total = new List<string>();
        string bigIntFile = @"C:\Users\Justin\Documents\BigNumbers.txt";

        string result;

        StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(bigIntFile);

        while ((result = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
            List<sbyte> largeNumber = new List<sbyte>();
            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                sbyte singleConvertedDigit = Convert.ToSByte(result.Substring(i, 1));

From there, I want to use an empty list that stores strings which I will be using later for adding my numbers. However, I want to be able to add numbers to this new list named "total". The numbers I'll be adding to it are not all the same length and because so, I need to check if an index exists at a certain location, if it does I'll be adding the value I'm looking at to the number that resides in that index, if not, I need to create that index and set it's value to 0. In trying to do so, I keep getting an IndexOutOfRange exception (obviously because that index doesn't exist). :

        foreach (var largeNumber in largeNumbers)
            int totalIndex = 0;

            foreach (var digit in largeNumber)
                if (total.Count == 0)
                    total[totalIndex] = digit.ToString(); //Index out of Range exception occurs here
                    total[totalIndex] = (Convert.ToSByte(total[totalIndex]) + digit).ToString();

                totalIndex ++;

I'm just at a loss. Any Ideas on how to check if that index exists; if it does not create it and set it's underlying value equal to 0? This is just a fun exercise for me but I am hitting a brick wall with this lovely index portion. I've tried to use SingleOrDefault as well as ElementAtOrDefault but they don't seem to be working so hot for me. Thanks in advance!

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Depending on if your result is have small number of missing elements (i.e. have more than 50% elements missing) consider simply adding 0 to the list till you reach neccessary index. You may use list of nullable items (i.e. List<int?>) instead of regular values (List<int>) if you care if item is missing or not.

Something like (non-compiled...) sample:

// List<long> list; int index; long value
if (index >= list.Count) 
  list.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(0, index-list.Count+1);
list[index] = value;

If you have significant number of missing elements use Dictionary (or SortedDictionary) with (index, value) pairs.

Dictionary<int, long> items;
if (items.ContainsKey(index))
  items[key] = value;
  items.Add(index, value);
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