
Come eseguire la scansione di una specifica gamma di IP e anche incrementarlo ad intervallo definito dall'utente .. in come la maggior parte degli scanner di porta. ma come aumentare bit di host .. aumenta bit di rete ..

private static void sendAsyncPingPacket(string hostToPing)
            int timeout = 5000;
            AutoResetEvent waiter = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            Ping pingPacket = new Ping();
            //ping completion event reaised
            pingPacket.PingCompleted += new PingCompletedEventHandler(PingCompletedCallback);
            string data = "Ping test check";
            byte[] byteBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
            PingOptions pingOptions = new PingOptions(64, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Time to live: {0}", pingOptions.Ttl);
            //Console.WriteLine("Don't fragment: {0}", pingOptions.DontFragment);
            pingPacket.SendAsync(hostToPing, timeout, byteBuffer, pingOptions, waiter);

            //do something useful
            Console.WriteLine("Ping RoundTrip returned, Do something useful here...");
        catch (PingException pe)
            Console.WriteLine("INVALID IP ADDRESS FOUND");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Exceptin " + ex.Message);

    private static void PingCompletedCallback(object sender, PingCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Cancelled)
                Console.WriteLine("Ping canceled.");

                // Let the main thread resume. 
                // UserToken is the AutoResetEvent object that the main thread 
                // is waiting for.

            // If an error occurred, display the exception to the user.
            if (e.Error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Ping failed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ");
                //this will print exception
                //Console.WriteLine (e.Error.ToString ());

                // Let the main thread resume. 

            PingReply reply = e.Reply;


            // Let the main thread resume.
        catch (PingException pe)
            Console.WriteLine("INVALID IP ADDRESS");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception " + ex.Message);

    public static void DisplayReply (PingReply reply)
        if (reply == null)

        Console.WriteLine ("ping status: {0}", reply.Status);
        if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
            Console.WriteLine ("Address: {0}", reply.Address.ToString ());
            Console.WriteLine ("RoundTrip time: {0}", reply.RoundtripTime);
            Console.WriteLine ("Time to live: {0}", reply.Options.Ttl);
            //Console.WriteLine ("Don't fragment: {0}", reply.Options.DontFragment);
            Console.WriteLine ("Buffer size: {0}", reply.Buffer.Length);

  private static long ToInt(string addr) 

        return (long)(uint)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(

   private static string ToAddr(long address)
        return System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(address.ToString()).ToString();

static int temp = 0;
    private static void scanLiveHosts(string ipFrom, string ipTo)
        long from =  Program.ToInt(ipFrom);
        long to =  Program.ToInt(ipTo);

        long ipLong = Program.ToInt(ipFrom);
        while ( from < to)

            string address = Program.ToAddr(ipLong);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program.scanLiveHosts("", "");

        catch (InvalidOperationException ioe)
        catch (Exception ex)
È stato utile?


I metodi principali utilizzati sono

private static long ToInt(string addr) 

    return (long)(uint)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(

private static string ToAddr(long address)
    return System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(address.ToString()).ToString();

sopra post è in modo approfondito come inviare pacchetto di ping e la rete di scansione.

Altri suggerimenti

Hey ho trovato il codice da parte di Google, ho fare piccoli cambiamenti per adattare il mio codice e altri cambiamenti per adattare il codice ... forse si dovrebbe pensare a cambiare:

while ( from < to)

    string address = Program.ToAddr(ipLong);

a qualcosa di simile:

while ( ipLong < to)

    string address = Program.ToAddr(ipLong);

o la "missione" per l'IPS non si fermerà davanti a ToAddr (a)

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