
ho fatto un sito di offerta nel problema principale Cake PHP.The sto affrontando è che ho bisogno di correre Cron Jobs sul server.But I dont' so il motivo per cui è intercettazioni me.I hanno craeted un controller chiamato 'demoni' e là 4 diverse azioni di esso, che voglio funzionare continuamente sul server ogni minuto, in modo da poter eseguire l'offerta automatica impostata da ogni utente di quel sito di offerta. Il cron jobs Sto installando sono ... arricciatura -s -o / dev / null / webroot / demoni / bidbutler
arricciatura -s -o / dev / null / Webroot / demoni / estendono arricciatura -s -o / dev / null / webroot / demoni / autobid
arricciatura -s -o / dev / null / Webroot / demoni / vicino

e il controller che sta gestendo tutte le cose è fissato al di sotto .... !!! Vi prego di suggerire qualche soluzione a questo modo che

Se gli esperti vuole mettere alla prova it..the URL è

E qui è il codice ... che sto cercando di correre attraverso i cron ... !!!


class DaemonsController estende AppController {

var $name = 'Daemons';

var $uses = array('Auction', 'Setting');

function beforeFilter(){
    $mess='It works';
    //@mail($email, 'Test', $mess, "From: ".$secondemail);


    if(!empty($this->Auth)) {
        $this->Auth->allow('bidbutler', 'extend', 'autobid', 'close');
    ini_set('max_execution_time', ($this->appConfigurations['cronTime'] * 60) + 1);

 * The function makes the bid butler magic happen
 * @return array Affected Auction
function bidbutler() {

    $this->layout = 'js/ajax';

    $data     = array();
    $setting  = array();
    $auctions = array();

    // Get the bid butler time
    $bidButlerTime = $this->Setting->get('bid_butler_time');

    // Get various settings needed
    $data['bid_debit']               = $this->Setting->get('bid_debit');
    $data['auction_price_increment'] = $this->Setting->get('auction_price_increment');
    $data['auction_time_increment']  = $this->Setting->get('auction_time_increment');
    $data['auction_peak_start']      = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_start');
    $data['auction_peak_end']        = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_end');

    $expireTime = time() + ($this->appConfigurations['cronTime'] * 60);

    while (time() < $expireTime) {
        // Formating the conditions
        $conditions = array(
            'Auction.end_time < \''. date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $bidButlerTime). '\'',
            'Auction.closed' => 0,
            'Bidbutler.bids >' => 0

        // Find the bidbutler entry - we get them from the lowest price to the maximum price so that they all run!
        $bidbutlers = $this->Auction->Bidbutler->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => 'rand()', 'fields' => array('', 'Auction.start_price', '', 'Bidbutler.minimum_price', 'Bidbutler.maximum_price', 'Bidbutler.user_id'), 'contain' => 'Auction'));

        if(!empty($bidbutlers)) {
            // Walk through bidbutler entries
            foreach($bidbutlers as $bidbutler) {
                if($bidbutler['Bidbutler']['minimum_price'] >= $bidbutler['Auction']['start_price'] &&
                   $bidbutler['Bidbutler']['maximum_price'] < $bidbutler['Auction']['start_price']) {

                    // Add more information
                    $data['auction_id'] = $bidbutler['Auction']['id'];
                    $data['user_id']    = $bidbutler['Bidbutler']['user_id'];
                    $data['bid_butler'] = $bidbutler['Bidbutler']['id'];

                    // Bid the auction
                    $result = $this->Auction->bid($data);

 * The function auto extends auctions and bids for an auto bid if neccessary
 * @return array Affected Auction
function extend() {
    $this->layout = 'js/ajax';

    $data     = array();
    $setting  = array();
    $auctions = array();

    $data['bid_debit']               = $this->Setting->get('bid_debit');
    $data['auction_price_increment'] = $this->Setting->get('auction_price_increment');
    $data['auction_time_increment']  = $this->Setting->get('auction_time_increment');
    $data['auction_peak_start']      = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_start');
    $data['auction_peak_end']        = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_end');

    $data['isPeakNow']  = $this->isPeakNow();

    $expireTime = time() + ($this->appConfigurations['cronTime'] * 60);

    while (time() < $expireTime) {
        // now check for auto extends
        $auctions = Cache::read('daemons_extend_auctions');
        if(empty($auctions)) {
            $auctions = $this->Auction->find('all', array('contain' => '', 'conditions' => "(Auction.extend_enabled = 1 OR Auction.autobid = 1) AND (Auction.start_price < Auction.minimum_price) AND Auction.winner_id = 0 AND Auction.closed = 0"));
            Cache::write('daemons_extend_auctions', $auctions, '+1 day');

        if(!empty($auctions)) {
            foreach($auctions as $auction) {
                // lets see if we need to extend the auction
                $endTime = strtotime($auction['Auction']['end_time']);
                $extendTime = time() + ($auction['Auction']['time_before_extend']);

                if($extendTime > $endTime) {
                    // lets see if autobid is enabled
                    // autobid will place a bid by a robot if another user is the highest bidder but hasn't meet the minimum price
                    if($auction['Auction']['autobid'] == 1) {
                        if($auction['Auction']['extend_enabled'] == 1) {
                            // lets only bid if the limit is less than te autobid limit when the autobid limit is set
                            if($auction['Auction']['autobid_limit'] > 0) {
                                if($auction['Auction']['current_limit'] <= $auction['Auction']['autobid_limit']) {
                                    $this->Auction->Autobid->check($auction['Auction']['id'], $auction['Auction']['end_time'], $data);
                            } else {
                                $this->Auction->Autobid->check($auction['Auction']['id'], $auction['Auction']['end_time'], $data);
                        } else {
                            $bid = $this->Auction->Bid->lastBid($auction['Auction']['id']);
                            // lets set the autobid
                            if(!empty($bid) && ($bid['autobidder'] == 0)) {
                                $this->Auction->Autobid->check($auction['Auction']['id'], $auction['Auction']['end_time'], $data);
                    } elseif($auction['Auction']['extend_enabled'] == 1) {
                        $auction['Auction']['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endTime + ($auction['Auction']['time_extended']));

                        // lets do a quick check to make sure the new end time isn't less than the current time
                        $newEndTime = strtotime($auction['Auction']['end_time']);
                        if($newEndTime < time()) {
                            $auction['Auction']['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + ($auction['Auction']['time_extended']));


 * The function auto extends auctions in the last IF the extend function fails
 * @return array Affected Auction
function autobid() {
    $data['bid_debit']               = $this->Setting->get('bid_debit');
    $data['auction_time_increment']  = $this->Setting->get('auction_time_increment');
    $data['auction_price_increment'] = $this->Setting->get('auction_price_increment');
    $data['auction_peak_start']      = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_start');
    $data['auction_peak_end']        = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_end');
    $data['isPeakNow']               = $this->isPeakNow();
    $isPeakNow = $this->isPeakNow();

    $expireTime = time() + ($this->appConfigurations['cronTime'] * 60);

    while (time() < $expireTime) {
        // lets start by getting all the auctions that have closed
        $auctions = $this->Auction->find('all', array('fields' => array('', 'Auction.peak_only'), 'contain' => '', 'conditions' => "Auction.winner_id = 0 AND Auction.end_time <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 4) . "' AND Auction.closed = 0"));

        if(!empty($auctions)) {
            foreach($auctions as $auction) {
                // before we declare this user the winner, lets run some test to make sure the auction can definitely close
                if($this->Auction->checkCanClose($auction['Auction']['id'], $isPeakNow, false) == false) {
                    // lets check to see if the reason we can't close it, is because its now offpeak and this is a peak auction
                    if($auction['Auction']['peak_only'] == 1 && !$isPeakNow) {
                    } else {
                        $this->Auction->Autobid->placeAutobid($auction['Auction']['id'], $data);

 * The function closes the auctions
 * @return array Affected Auction
function close() {
    $expireTime = time() + ($this->appConfigurations['cronTime'] * 60);

    while (time() < $expireTime) {
        // lets start by getting all the auctions that have closed
        $auctions = $this->Auction->find('all', array('contain' => '', 'conditions' => "Auction.winner_id = 0 AND Auction.end_time <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' AND Auction.closed = 0"));

        if(!empty($auctions)) {
            foreach($auctions as $auction) {
                $isPeakNow = $this->isPeakNow();

                // before we declare this user the winner, lets run some test to make sure the auction can definitely close
                if($this->Auction->checkCanClose($auction['Auction']['id'], $isPeakNow) == false) {
                    // lets check to see if the reason we can't close it, is because its now offpeak and this is a peak auction
                    if($auction['Auction']['peak_only'] == 1 && !$isPeakNow) {
                        $peak = $this->nonPeakDates();

                        //Calculate how many seconds auction will end after peak end
                        $seconds_after_peak = strtotime($auction['Auction']['end_time']) - strtotime($peak['peak_end']);
                        $end_time = strtotime($peak['peak_start']) + $seconds_after_peak;

                        $auction['Auction']['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end_time);

                    } else {
                        // lets check just how far ago this auction closed, and either place an autobid or extend the time
                        $data['auction_time_increment']  = $this->Setting->get('auction_time_increment');

                        $newEndTime = strtotime($auction['Auction']['end_time']);
                        if($newEndTime < time() - $data['auction_time_increment']) {
                            $auction['Auction']['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + ($auction['Auction']['time_extended']));
                        } else {
                            //lets extend it by placing an autobid
                            $data['bid_debit']               = $this->Setting->get('bid_debit');
                            $data['auction_price_increment'] = $this->Setting->get('auction_price_increment');
                            $data['auction_peak_start']      = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_start');
                            $data['auction_peak_end']        = $this->Setting->get('auction_peak_end');
                            $data['isPeakNow']               = $this->isPeakNow();

                            $this->Auction->Autobid->placeAutobid($auction['Auction']['id'], $data);

                $bid = $this->Auction->Bid->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Bid.auction_id' => $auction['Auction']['id']), 'order' => array('' => 'desc')));
                if(!empty($bid)) {
                    if($bid['User']['autobidder'] == 0) {
                        // send the email to the winner
                        $data['Auction']               = $auction['Auction'];
                        $data['Bid']                   = $bid['Bid'];
                        $data['User']                  = $bid['User'];
                        $data['to']                    = $data['User']['email'];
                        $data['subject']               = sprintf(__('%s - You have won an auction', true), $this->appConfigurations['name']);
                        $data['template']              = 'auctions/won_auction';

                        $auction['Auction']['status_id'] = 1;

                    $auction['Auction']['winner_id'] = $bid['Bid']['user_id'];
                $auction['Auction']['closed'] = 1;

} ?>

È stato utile?


Il modo CakePHP per eseguire i cron è quello di costruire le proprie conchiglie per fare i compiti. Shell ti permette l'accesso completo a tutti i controller tramite il prompt dei comandi. Assicurarsi di leggere questa documentazione quando si inizia: -CakePHP-Console

Si mostra come costruire il proprio guscio (APP / fornitori / shells /), come organizzare i vostri gusci in attività, e come eseguire correttamente la vostra shell come un job cron.

Lo faccio un modo leggermente diverso rispetto alla documentazione descrive. La mia dichiarazione cron appare come:

* * * * * (cd /path/to/my/cake/app; sh ../cake/console/cake daily;) 1> /dev/null 2>&1

Da lì ho semplicemente hanno una shell chiamato app / fornitori / shells / daily.php

class DailyShell extends Shell {

    var $uses = array('User');

        function main() {



Questo è di gran lunga migliore e più stabile rispetto all'utilizzo di curl in un job cron.

Autorizzato sotto: CC-BY-SA insieme a attribuzione
Non affiliato a StackOverflow
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