
Is there a way to check if the user gave permission or not to my App use his/her location coordinates? I'd like check this before he/she press a button to submit some info, and I'll only activate this button if user gave permission.

My app uses iOS 6.


È stato utile?


In your delegate of the CLLocationManager instance, implement the

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error

method. If this method is called with its error parameter set to kCLErrorDenied, then the user has not enabled using the location services. You can also implement the

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status

method - when the status parameter of this callback method is not kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied, then the user has enabled your app to use his location.

Documentation here.

Altri suggerimenti

I created a component for ease of use permissions on iOS.

Available in my Github:

enter image description here

An example of use using block:

   User can be choose two enum type for request the location authorization:
     - AuthorizeRequestTypeAlwaysAuthorization
     - AuthorizeRequestTypeWhenInUseAuthorization

    [[IOSCheckPermissions globalInstance] checkPermissionAccessForLocation:self.locationManager

          // SUCCESS ...

    } failureBlock:^{
        // PERMISSION DENIED ...
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