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I have been trying to make a form that captures a value passed in from $_REQUEST.

  1. A field is displayed only if a $_REQUEST variable exists (done)
  2. The user can modify the field
  3. The field is validated in whatever way
  4. The (modified) value gets used

In this specific case, I am using a hook_user function, but I hope that the solution is applicable to any Drupal form.

Here's a simplified version of my code where the user would have an extra field to specify that they have a favorite fruit if they were to register using the following URL:

function fruity_user($op, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL){
    switch($op) {
        // Add extra fields if $_REQUEST contains values for them
        case 'register':
            if($_REQUEST['fruit'] == 'pineapple'){
                $fields['user_reg_info']['profile_fruit'] = array(
                     '#type' => 'textfield'
                    ,'#description' => 'Your favorite fruit (if applicable)'
                    ,'#locked' => 0
                    ,'#value' => $_REQUEST['fruit']
            return $fields;

        // check registration for mistakes
        case 'validate':
            if ($edit['form_id'] == 'user_register') {
                if ($edit['profile_fruit']){

        // runs after the new user is inserted
        case 'insert':
                db_query('INSERT INTO user_fruits SET `uid`=%d `fruit`="%s"',array($user->uid, $edit['profile_fruit']));

            // record information
            watchdog('user', t('user %user picked out a fruit',array('%user' => $user->name)));

With the above code, the field does make itself visible only when $_REQUEST['fruit'] is present but if you change your fruit to "watermelon" on the form, insert still uses "pineapple".

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Soluzione 2

Altri suggerimenti

I think you are using two different keys while inserting and registering. You are using $fields['user_reg_info']['profile_fruit'] in register and $edit['fruit'] in insert. Try using ['fruit'] key in both the places. Also use the same in edit.

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