
Qual è il modo più efficiente per farlo?

È stato utile?


Risposta reale: dipende dal tipo di valore esadecimale del colore che stai cercando (ad es. 565, 555, 888, 8888, ecc.), dalla quantità di bit alfa, dalla distribuzione del colore effettiva (rgb vs bgr ...) e un sacco di altre variabili.

Ecco un algoritmo generico per la maggior parte dei valori RGB che utilizzano modelli C ++ (direttamente da ScummVM).

template<class T>
uint32 RGBToColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) {
return T::kAlphaMask |
       (((r << T::kRedShift) >> (8 - T::kRedBits)) & T::kRedMask) |
       (((g << T::kGreenShift) >> (8 - T::kGreenBits)) & T::kGreenMask) |
       (((b << T::kBlueShift) >> (8 - T::kBlueBits)) & T::kBlueMask);

Ecco una struttura di colore di esempio per 565 (il formato standard per i colori a 16 bit):

struct ColorMasks<565> {
enum {
    highBits    = 0xF7DEF7DE,
    lowBits     = 0x08210821,
    qhighBits   = 0xE79CE79C,
    qlowBits    = 0x18631863,

    kBytesPerPixel = 2,

    kAlphaBits  = 0,
    kRedBits    = 5,
    kGreenBits  = 6,
    kBlueBits   = 5,

    kAlphaShift = kRedBits+kGreenBits+kBlueBits,
    kRedShift   = kGreenBits+kBlueBits,
    kGreenShift = kBlueBits,
    kBlueShift  = 0,

    kAlphaMask = ((1 << kAlphaBits) - 1) << kAlphaShift,
    kRedMask   = ((1 << kRedBits) - 1) << kRedShift,
    kGreenMask = ((1 << kGreenBits) - 1) << kGreenShift,
    kBlueMask  = ((1 << kBlueBits) - 1) << kBlueShift,

    kRedBlueMask = kRedMask | kBlueMask


Altri suggerimenti

In python:

def hex_to_rgb(value):
    """Return (red, green, blue) for the color given as #rrggbb."""
    value = value.lstrip('#')
    lv = len(value)
    return tuple(int(value[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3))

def rgb_to_hex(red, green, blue):
    """Return color as #rrggbb for the given color values."""
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (red, green, blue)

hex_to_rgb("#ffffff")           #==> (255, 255, 255)
hex_to_rgb("#ffffffffffff")     #==> (65535, 65535, 65535)
rgb_to_hex(255, 255, 255)       #==> '#ffffff'
rgb_to_hex(65535, 65535, 65535) #==> '#ffffffffffff'

Nella conversione di Python tra hex e 'rgb' è anche incluso nel pacchetto di stampa matplotlib . Vale a dire

import matplotlib.colors as colors


colors.hex2color('#ffffff')        #==> (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
colors.rgb2hex((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))    #==> '#ffffff'

L'avvertenza è che si presume che i valori di rgb nei colori siano compresi tra 0,0 e 1,0. Se vuoi andare tra 0 e 255 devi fare una piccola conversione. In particolare,

def hex_to_rgb(hex_string):
    rgb = colors.hex2color(hex_string)
    return tuple([int(255*x) for x in rgb])

def rgb_to_hex(rgb_tuple):
    return colors.rgb2hex([1.0*x/255 for x in rgb_tuple])

L'altra nota è che colors.hex2color accetta solo stringhe esadecimali valide.

solo molto veloce:

int r = ( hexcolor >> 16 ) & 0xFF;

int g = ( hexcolor >> 8 ) & 0xFF;

int b = hexcolor & 0xFF;

int hexcolor = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;

Modifica della risposta python di Jeremy per gestire brevi valori rgb CSS come 0, # 999 e #fff (che i browser visualizzerebbero come neri, grigi medi e bianchi):

def hex_to_rgb(value):
    value = value.lstrip('#')
    lv = len(value)
    if lv == 1:
        v = int(value, 16)*17
        return v, v, v
    if lv == 3:
        return tuple(int(value[i:i+1], 16)*17 for i in range(0, 3))
    return tuple(int(value[i:i+lv/3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv/3))

Un valore esadecimale è solo numeri RGB rappresentati in esadecimali. Quindi devi solo prendere ogni coppia di cifre esadecimali e convertirle in decimali.


#FF6400 = RGB(0xFF, 0x64, 0x00) = RGB(255, 100, 0)

Devi solo convertire un valore esadecimale (in parti) in decimale e viceversa. Inoltre, è necessario considerare quale valore in esadecimale può contenere 6 o 3 caratteri (senza carattere "#").

Implementazione su Python 3.5

"""Utils for working with colors."""

import textwrap

def rgb_to_hex(value1, value2, value3):
    Convert RGB value (as three numbers each ranges from 0 to 255) to hex format.

    >>> rgb_to_hex(235, 244, 66)
    >>> rgb_to_hex(56, 28, 26)
    >>> rgb_to_hex(255, 255, 255)
    >>> rgb_to_hex(0, 0, 0)
    >>> rgb_to_hex(203, 244, 66)
    >>> rgb_to_hex(53, 17, 8)

    for value in (value1, value2, value3):
        if not 0 <= value <= 255:
            raise ValueError('Value each slider must be ranges from 0 to 255')
    return '#{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}'.format(value1, value2, value3)

def hex_to_rgb(value):
    Convert color`s value in hex format to RGB format.

    >>> hex_to_rgb('fff')
    (255, 255, 255)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('ffffff')
    (255, 255, 255)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('#EBF442')
    (235, 244, 66)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('#000000')
    (0, 0, 0)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('#000')
    (0, 0, 0)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('#54433f')
    (84, 67, 63)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('#f7efed')
    (247, 239, 237)
    >>> hex_to_rgb('#191616')
    (25, 22, 22)

    if value[0] == '#':
        value = value[1:]

    len_value = len(value)

    if len_value not in [3, 6]:
        raise ValueError('Incorect a value hex {}'.format(value))

    if len_value == 3:
        value = ''.join(i * 2 for i in value)
    return tuple(int(i, 16) for i in textwrap.wrap(value, 2))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

Implementazione su JavaScript (adattato a NodeJS con supporto ES6)

const assert = require('assert');

 * Return a color`s value in the hex format by passed the RGB format.
 * @param  {integer} value1 An value in ranges from 0 to 255
 * @param  {integer} value2 An value in ranges from 0 to 255
 * @param  {integer} value3 An value in ranges from 0 to 255
 * @return {string}        A color`s value in the hex format
const RGBtoHex = (value1, value2, value3) => {
    const values = [value1, value2, value3];
    let result = '#';
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
        // validation input
        if (values[i] < 0 || values[i] > 255) throw new Error('An each value of RGB format must be ranges from 0 to 255');

        // append to result values as hex with at least width 2
        result += (('0' + values[i].toString(16)).slice(-2));
    return result.toUpperCase();

 * Convert a value from the hex format to RGB and return as an array
 * @param  {int} value A color`s value in the hex format
 * @return {array}     Array values of the RGB format
const hexToRGB = (value) => {
    let val = value;

    val = (value[0] === '#') ? value.slice(1) : value;

    if ([3, 6].indexOf(val.length) === -1) throw new Error(`Incorect a value of the hex format: ${value}`);

    if (val.length === 3) val = val.split('').map(item => item.repeat(2)).join('');

    return val.match(/.{2}/g).map(item => parseInt(`0x${item}`, 16));

assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('fff'), [255, 255, 255]);
assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('#fff'), [255, 255, 255]);
assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('#000000'), [0, 0, 0]);
assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('000000'), [0, 0, 0]);
assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('#d7dee8'), [215, 222, 232]);
assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('#1E2F49'), [30, 47, 73]);
assert.deepEqual(hexToRGB('#030914'), [3, 9, 20]);

assert.equal(RGBtoHex(255, 255, 255), '#FFFFFF');
assert.equal(RGBtoHex(0, 0, 0), '#000000');
assert.equal(RGBtoHex(96, 102, 112), '#606670');
assert.equal(RGBtoHex(199, 204, 214), '#C7CCD6');
assert.equal(RGBtoHex(22, 99, 224), '#1663E0');
assert.equal(RGBtoHex(0, 8, 20), '#000814');

module.exports.RGBtoHex = RGBtoHex;
module.exports.hexToRGB = hexToRGB;

Implementazione sulla C (destinata allo standard C11)

// a type for a struct of RGB color
typedef struct _ColorRGB {
    unsigned short int red;
    unsigned short int green;
    unsigned short int blue;
} colorRGB_t;

    Convert a color`s value from the hex format to the RGB.
    Return -1 if a passed value in the hex format is not correct, otherwise - return 0;
static int
convertColorHexToRGB(const char originValue[], colorRGB_t *colorRGB) {

    // a full value of color in hex format must constains 6 charapters
    char completedValue[6];
    size_t lenOriginValue;
    size_t lenCompletedValue;

    // an intermediary variable for keeping value in the hex format
    char hexSingleValue[3];

    // a temp pointer to char, need only to the strtol()
    char *ptr;

    // a variable for keeping a converted number in the hex to the decimal format
    long int number;

    // validation input
    lenOriginValue = strlen(originValue);
    if (lenOriginValue > 7 || lenOriginValue < 3) return -1;

    // copy value without sign '#', if found as first in the string
    (originValue[0] == '#') ? strcpy(completedValue, originValue + 1) : strcpy(completedValue, originValue);

    lenCompletedValue = strlen(completedValue);

    // if the value has only 3 charapters, dublicate an each after itself
    // but if not full version of the hex name of a color (6 charapters), return -1
    if (lenCompletedValue == 3) {
        completedValue[5] = completedValue[2];
        completedValue[4] = completedValue[2];
        completedValue[3] = completedValue[1];
        completedValue[2] = completedValue[1];
        completedValue[1] = completedValue[0];
    } else if (lenCompletedValue != 6) return -1;

    // convert string, by parts, to decimal values and keep it in a struct

    sprintf(hexSingleValue, "%c%c", completedValue[0], completedValue[1]);
    number = strtol(hexSingleValue, &ptr, 16);
    colorRGB->red = number;

    sprintf(hexSingleValue, "%c%c", completedValue[2], completedValue[3]);
    number = strtol(hexSingleValue, &ptr, 16);
    colorRGB->green = number;

    sprintf(hexSingleValue, "%c%c", completedValue[4], completedValue[5]);
    number = strtol(hexSingleValue, &ptr, 16);
    colorRGB->blue = number;

    return 0;

    Convert a color`s value from the RGB format to the hex
static int
convertColorRGBToHex(const colorRGB_t *colorRGB, char value[8]) {
    sprintf(value, "#%02X%02X%02X", colorRGB->red, colorRGB->green, colorRGB->blue);
    return 0;

    Forming a string representation data in an instance of the structure colorRGB_t
static int
getRGBasString(const colorRGB_t *colorRGB, char str[18]) {
    sprintf(str, "rgb(%d, %d, %d)", colorRGB->red, colorRGB->green, colorRGB->blue);
    return 0;

int main (int argv, char **argc)
    char str[18];
    char hex[8];

    colorRGB_t *colorRGB_;
    colorRGB_ = (colorRGB_t *)malloc(sizeof(colorRGB_));

    convertColorHexToRGB("fff", colorRGB_);
    getRGBasString(colorRGB_, str);
    printf("Hex 'fff' to RGB %s\n", str);
    convertColorRGBToHex(colorRGB_, hex);
    printf("RGB %s to hex '%s'\n", str, hex);

    convertColorHexToRGB("000000", colorRGB_);
    getRGBasString(colorRGB_, str);
    printf("Hex '000000' to RGB %s\n", str);
    convertColorRGBToHex(colorRGB_, hex);
    printf("RGB %s to hex '%s'\n", str, hex);

    convertColorHexToRGB("#000000", colorRGB_);
    getRGBasString(colorRGB_, str);
    printf("Hex '#000000' to RGB %s\n", str);
    convertColorRGBToHex(colorRGB_, hex);
    printf("RGB %s to hex '%s'\n", str, hex);

    convertColorHexToRGB("#FFF", colorRGB_);
    getRGBasString(colorRGB_, str);
    printf("Hex '#FFF' to RGB %s\n", str);
    convertColorRGBToHex(colorRGB_, hex);
    printf("RGB %s to hex '%s'\n", str, hex);


Un risultato dopo la compilazione (sono abituato al GCC)

Hex 'fff' to RGB rgb(255, 255, 255)
RGB rgb(255, 255, 255) to hex '#FFFFFF'
Hex '000000' to RGB rgb(0, 0, 0)
RGB rgb(0, 0, 0) to hex '#000000'
Hex '#000000' to RGB rgb(0, 0, 0)
RGB rgb(0, 0, 0) to hex '#000000'
Hex '#FFF' to RGB rgb(255, 255, 255)
RGB rgb(255, 255, 255) to hex '#FFFFFF'
#!/usr/bin/env python

import re
import sys

def hex_to_rgb(value):
  value = value.lstrip('#')
  lv = len(value)
  return tuple(int(value[i:i+lv/3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv/3))

def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
  rgb = eval(rgb)
  r = rgb[0]
  g = rgb[1]
  b = rgb[2]
  return '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r,g,b)

def main():
  color = raw_input("HEX [#FFFFFF] or RGB [255, 255, 255] value (no value quits program): ")
  while color:
    if'\#[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]', color):
      converted = hex_to_rgb(color)
      print converted
    elif'[0-9]{1,3}, [0-9]{1,3}, [0-9]{1,3}', color):
      converted = rgb_to_hex(color)
      print converted
    elif color == '':
      print 'You didn\'t enter a valid value!'
    color = raw_input("HEX [#FFFFFF] or RGB [255, 255, 255] value (no value quits program): ")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Questo è un frammento di codice che ho creato per uso personale in c ++ 11. puoi inviare valori o stringhe esadecimali:

    void Color::SetColor(string color) {
    // try catch will be necessary if your string is not sanitized before calling this function.
         SetColor(std::stoul(color, nullptr, 16));

    void Color::SetColor(uint32_t number) {
        B = number & 0xFF;
        number>>= 8;
        G = number & 0xFF;
        number>>= 8;
        R = number & 0xFF;

 // ex:
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