
There is a foo.tar.gz source it will install to /lib/modules. But, I'm not root haven't enough permission. I'm try to write a script to automatic build the package.

tar xf foo.tar.gz
cd foo
fakeroot make install

It shows

mkdir: cannot create directory `/lib/modules/

I don't want to really put in /lib, maybe I could put in $HOME/rootfs.

What is the correct method to use fakeroot? Or, is there a simple script could let me trace how to use fakeroot?

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You are confused about the role of fakeroot. It is not used to elevate privilges to root in order to install a package. It is used when a package is created. Since you are not creating a package, there is nothing fakeroot can do for you. See also this description of fakeroot.

To temporarily elevate privileges, you should use sudo.

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