
This problem makes me confused

I just want to run 1 command on 18 different input file so I've wrote it like

while filenames or running:
  while filenames and len(running) < N_CORES:
    filename = filenames.pop(0)
    print 'Submiting process for %s' % filename
    cmd = COMMAND % dict(filename=filename, localdir=localdir)
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
    print 'running:', cmd
    running.append((cmd, p))

  i = 0
  while i < len(running):
    (cmd, p) = running[i]
    ret = p.poll()
    if ret is not None:
        rep = open('' % (report_number), 'w')
        rep.write('Command: %s' % cmd)
        print localdir
        print 'done!' 
        report_number += 1
        running.remove((cmd, p))
        i += 1

But when I've run it after 3 hours all of the process going to Sleep mode.

But if I call the command from terminal manually (for all of the different files), all of them have been Ok.

Any help would be appreciate.

È stato utile?


I assume you want to run 18 processes (one process per file) with no more than N_CORES processes in parallel.

The simplest way could be to use multiprocessing.Pool here:

import multiprocessing as mp
import subprocess

def process_file(filename):
        return filename,[cmd, filename], cwd=localdir)
    except OSError:
        return filename, None # failed to start subprocess

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pool = mp.Pool()
    for result in pool.imap_unordered(process_file, filenames):
        # report result here

Altri suggerimenti

Whithout knowing what your subprocesses are supposed to do and how long they are supposed to be running it's hard to give an accurate answer here.

Some problems I see with your program:

  • you check for i < len(running), while incrementing i and removing from running.
    Either use a counter or check if the list still contains elements, but don't do both at the same time. This way you will break out of the loop halfway.
  • you increment i each time a process has not finished, you probably want to increment if a process has finished.
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