
I have a directory I am successfully harvesting with heat.

Heat.exe dir "$(ProjectDir)\..\source\DataInterface" -v -cg DataInterfaceFiles -gg -scom -sreg -sfrag -srd -dr DATAINTERFACEFOLDER -var wix.DataInterface.Source -out "$(ProjectDir)\Product\DataInterface\"

One of the files is a dll requiring registration for COM interop.

<Component Id="cmpXXXXXX" Guid="{GUID}">
  <File Id="filXXXXX4" KeyPath="yes" Source="!(wix.DataInterface.Source)\MyCompany.Ofd.InterfaceLog.dll" />

Heat is correctly generating the required .reg file, but, the CodeBase value within this file is set to the relative path on the build server:

"Assembly"="MyCompany.Ofd.InterfaceLog, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxx"

This means upon installation to a users machine the file isn't registered as the path is incorrect.

I tried re-running this reg file back through heat to see if it would do anything but that didn't help. The relative paths still remain.

Is there a way to generate the reg file with file paths that will work on install?

È stato utile?


I had a similar issue and I (believe) I solved it by using the -directoryid switch to specify the Id of the directory on the installed machine (e.g., INSTALLDIR) where the file can be found.

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