
I just realized that different behaviour exists for <a> and <input> tag.

<div id="dialog">Your non-modal dialog</div>

<!--<a href="#" id="open">Open dialog</a>-->
<input id="open" value="Open dialog">
$('#open').click(function() {

    autoOpen: false,
    modal: false

// Close Pop-in If the user clicks anywhere else on the page
jQuery('html') //set for html for jsfiddle, but should be 'body'
    .bind('click', function(e){
        if (jQuery('#dialog').dialog('isOpen')
            && !jQuery('.ui-dialog, a')
            && !jQuery('.ui-dialog').length)

If using <a>, the click event is not propagated to document. If using <input>, the click event is bubbled to document, and clicking on the input directly closes the dialog. I know this can be handled with stopPropagation. The question is why <a> tags event doesn't bubble up ? Am I missing something ?

Here is a fiddle to demonstrate. Uncomment the <a> and comment the <input>, and click on it to see the differences.

Code borrowed from on Jason's answer in this question.

È stato utile?


The problem lies on this line:

&& !jQuery('.ui-dialog, a')

You are asking jQuery if the event target is an "a" tag or an element with class ".ui-dialog". Remove the "a" tag in the selector as follows and it should work as you want it to.

&& !jQuery('.ui-dialog')

Here's the modified fiddle

P.S: Just to confirm your understanding of events. All events bubble up irrespective of the element tag in the standard DOM event model.

Altri suggerimenti

This line causes the if statement to be false thus you can't see alert which is inside the if statement.

&& !jQuery('.ui-dialog, a')

event target is a because you clicked on it even though the event has bubbled up.

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