
I am pretty new to ipython and still learning and liking its functionality. Trying to write a module with common tasks so users of a notebook can load my custom module and save typing common code.

Here is a sample mymodule.ipy:

    import mymodule as mymod
       return wd

When I test it in the notebook:

    import mymodule as my
    ImportError        Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-1-1036e4702cf4> in <module>()
    ----> 1 import mymodule as my

    ImportError: No module named mymodule

But when I rename the module file as, the module load fails with error message denoting it cannot recognize the pwd magic:

    File "", line 2
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

My question is how do I write a module with ipython magics and other ipython functionality in it which I can load from notebooks? I had the impression that I can put ipython code into a file with .ipy extension and can load it from ipython. Am I missing something?

È stato utile?


"%run mymodule.ipy" as pointed in my comment serves my need for now. Posting it as answer to close this question. Feel free to post more if you have a "module" approach.

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