
I need to work out a very large power modulo (2^32), i.e. I want the result of:

y = (p^n) mod (2^32)

p is a prime number
n is a large integer

Is there a trick to doing this efficiently in Java?

Or am I stuck with doing it in a loop with n iterations?

È stato utile?


The simple way to mod 2^32 is to use & 0xFFFFFFFFL. Also, there happens to be a type which naturally keeps the lowest 32-bit called int ;) If you use that you don't even need to perform the & until you have the result (so the answer is unsigned) For this reason you only need to keep the last 32 bit of the answer. To speed up the ^n you can calculate the square, it's square and it's square etc, e.g if n is 0b11111 then you need to multiply p^16 * p^8 * p^4 * p^2 * p.

In short, you can use plain int as you only need 32-bit of accuracy and values with a cost of O(ln n) where n is the power.

int prime = 2106945901;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    long answer1 = BigInteger.valueOf(prime)

    long mid = System.nanoTime();
    int answer2 = 1;
    int p = prime;
    for (int n = prime; n > 0; n >>>= 1) {
        if ((n & 1) != 0)
            answer2 *= p;
        p *= p;
    long end = System.nanoTime();
    System.out.printf("True answer %,d took %.3f ms, quick answer %,d took %.3f ms%n",
            answer1, (mid - start) / 1e6, answer2 & 0xFFFFFFFFL, (end - mid) / 1e6);

prints finally

True answer 4,169,684,317 took 0.233 ms, quick answer 4,169,684,317 took 0.002 ms

Altri suggerimenti

You can utilize exponentiation by squaring. Firstly, break it down into powers of two for your given n. Since p^n (mod x) == p^(k1) (mod x) . p^(k2) (mod x) . ... p^(kn) (mod x) where sum k_i = n, you can utilize this and successive powers of two to calculate this in O(log n) steps.

In addition to the other answers you can use some elementary number theory to reduce the time needed to compute an mod 232 for a an odd integer to O(1). The Euler Phi function together with Euler's Theorem allows you to discard all but the low-order 31 bits of n.

φ(232) = 231, and aφ(232) = 1 mod 232.

Thus if n = q*(231) + r, 0 <= r < 231, then an mod 232 = ar mod 232

r is simply the low-order 31 bits of n, i.e. n & 0x7fffffff. In fact, by Carmichael's Theorem you can do a bit better (literally), and you only need to consider the low-order 30 bits of n, i.e. n & 0x3fffffff. You can precompute these once and store them in a table of size 4GB for a given base a. Here is some java code as an example.

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class PowMod2_32 {

    private static final long MASK32 = 0xffffffffL;

    public static long pow32(final int a, final int exponent)
        int prod = 1;

        for (int i = 29; i>=0; i--) {
            prod *= prod; // square
            if (((exponent >> i) & 1) == 1) {
                prod *= a;  // multiply
        return prod & MASK32;

    public static long pow32(BigInteger a, BigInteger exponent) {
        return pow32(a.intValue(), exponent.intValue());

There are no tricks in java that I know of but rather there are some tricks in maths.

If you implement these as an algorithm it should speed up computation.

Look at 5 and 6. Look at 4 also if power of two is always even

Use the Class Bigintiger. here´s an example how to work / pow with it

public String higherPow() {
    BigIntiger i = new Bigintger("2");
    // doing a power(2^32)
    i = i.pow(32);
    // after 2^32 was made, do mod 100
    i = i.mod(new Bigintiger("100"));
    return i.toString();
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