
I'm new to YII framework, I wanted to create a link column having a image. Clicking image should call a Javascript function, PHP values need to be passed to that javascript function. here is the code,

 'header'=> 'Trades',
 'imageUrl' => '/images/view_all.png',

But the HTML is not getting rendered properly. It is getting printed wrongly as,

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="viewTrades($data['id'])" id='$data['id']'><img alt="Link" src="/images/view_all.png"></a>

Instead i wanted this to be printed as ,

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="viewTrades(317)" id="317"><img alt="Link" src="/images/view_all.png"></a>

Any help is highly appreciated!!!

È stato utile?


I figured it out by myself, here is the code. Hope it might be useful for someone!

                    'value'=>'CHtml::link("View",array("view", "id"=>$data["id"]), array("id"=>$data["id"],  "class"=>"linkClass", "onclick"=>"viewTrades($data[id]); "))',
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