
The take and drop methods were added to the list object in groovy v 1.8.1, and work like this:

def list = ['Simple', 'list', 'with', 5, 'items']   
assert list.take(2) == ['Simple', 'list']  

I only have v 1.8.0 available to me. How can I reimplement my own version of list.take(2) using Groovy v1.8.0 ?

Is it possible to do something like:

def list = ['Simple', 'list', 'with', 5, 'items']  
def limit = 2 
assert list['0..'+limit] == ['Simple', 'list']  

When I try this I get an exception.

È stato utile?


Slicing might accomplish the same goal:

def list = ['Simple', 'list', 'with', 5, 'items']   
assert list[0..1] == ['Simple', 'list']  

Altri suggerimenti

you could do it the way groovy does it

public static <T> List<T> take(List<T> self, int num) {
    if (self.isEmpty() || num <= 0) {
        return createSimilarList(self, 0);
    if (self.size() <= num) {
        List<T> ret = createSimilarList(self, self.size());
        return ret;
    List<T> ret = createSimilarList(self, num);
    ret.addAll(self.subList(0, num));
    return ret;

the method createSimilarList can be found here

Along the same lines as GargantuChet's answer, you can slice it, but using an exclusive range:

List.metaClass.take { n ->
    def len = [n,delegate.size()].min()

assert [1,2,3,4].take(2) == [1,2]
assert [1,2].take(2) == [1,2]
assert [1].take(2) == [1]
assert [].take(2) == []
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