
I run and initialize an instance using the following code:

        EmbeddableDocumentStore db = new EmbeddableDocumentStore();
        db.DataDirectory = @"C:\RavenDb\";
        db.Configuration.HostName = "localhost";
        db.Configuration.Port = 8080;
        db.UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true;

After initializing and keeping the app in debug mode I try to access the management studio on my browser through "localhost:8080" but the request times out/ nothing happens. I tried different ports, I start VS2012 in Admin mode. I downloaded the latest versions through Nuget. What am I doing wrong/ not seeing here?


Edit: After couple suggestions I tried the following code, still to no avail:

        EmbeddableDocumentStore db = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
            RunInMemory = true,
            DataDirectory = @"C:\RavenDb\",
            UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true


In addition I received the following warning messages in the output window upon running the console application:

Resulting in: Cannot set import 'Raven.Database.Server.Security.OAuth.OAuthClientCredentialsTokenResponder.AuthenticateClient (ContractName="Raven.Database.Server.Security.OAuth.IAuthenticateClient")' on part 'Raven.Database.Server.Security.OAuth.OAuthClientCredentialsTokenResponder'. Element: Raven.Database.Server.Security.OAuth.OAuthClientCredentialsTokenResponder.AuthenticateClient (ContractName="Raven.Database.Server.Security.OAuth.IAuthenticateClient") --> Raven.Database.Server.Security.OAuth.OAuthClientCredentialsTokenResponder --> AssemblyCatalog (Assembly="Raven.Database, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=37f41c7f99471593")

È stato utile?


This is one solution for the nuget pakage

<package id="RavenDB.Embedded" version="2.0.2230" targetFramework="net45" />

Make sure the port is not in use

var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
    RunInMemory = true,
    DataDirectory = @"C:\RavenDb\",
    UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true

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