
I've run into an issue while attempting to start using Google Mocks - for some reason it can't tell the call I'm specifying in the EXPECT_CALL macro, even though the types are consistent. I want to know why it doesn't just match the first function, and what I need to do/add to make it match the first function.

The mock class:

class GMockTest : public ITest
    int(int nParameter, double value));
    int(int nParameter, int value));
    int(int nParameter, __int64 value));

The test code that throws the error:

__int64 nFrom = 0,
    nTo = 0;

EXPECT_CALL(mock, SetParameter(2, nFrom))
EXPECT_CALL(mock, SetParameter(3, nTo))

The compilation error:

test.cpp(1343) : error C2668: GMockTest::gmock_SetParameter' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
        testmocks.h(592): could be 'testing::internal::MockSpec<F> 
 &GMockTest::gmock_SetParameter(const testing::Matcher<T> &,const testing::Matcher<A2> &)
            F=int (int,__int64),
        testmocks.h(590): or       'testing::internal::MockSpec<F>  
&GMockTest::gmock_SetParameter(const testing::Matcher<T> &,const testing::Matcher<T> &)'

            F=int (int,int),
        testmocks.h(580): or       'testing::internal::MockSpec<F> 
&GMockTest::gmock_SetParameter(const testing::Matcher<T> &,const testing::Matcher<FloatT
ype> &)'
            F=int (int,double),
        while trying to match the argument list '(int, __int64)'
È stato utile?


Google mock has trouble telling which overload to use. From the cookbook, try using the Matcher<T> or TypedEq<T> matchers to specify the exact type:

struct ITest
    virtual int SetParameter(int n, double v) = 0;
    virtual int SetParameter(int n, int v) = 0;
    virtual int SetParameter(int n, __int64 v) = 0;

struct MockTest : public ITest
    MOCK_METHOD2(SetParameter, int(int n, double v));
    MOCK_METHOD2(SetParameter, int(int n, int v));
    MOCK_METHOD2(SetParameter, int(int n, __int64 v));

TEST(Test, Test)
    MockTest mock;
    __int64 nFrom = 0, nTo = 0;
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, SetParameter(2, Matcher<__int64>(nFrom)));
    EXPECT_CALL(mock, SetParameter(3, Matcher<__int64>(nTo)));

    mock.SetParameter(2, nFrom);
    mock.SetParameter(3, nTo);

Altri suggerimenti

For those of you who have the same issue but unlike the OP don't have or care about the input parameters, the other answer's solution using testing::Matcher can be combined with a wild card testing::_ this way:

EXPECT_CALL(mock, SetParameter(testing::_, Matcher<__int64>(testing::_)));
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