
I am trying to write a generic method that wraps anything that has an scalaz.IsEmpty typeclass instance into an Option. It should return None for empty values, and wrap it into Some if it is non-empty. Here's what I've come up so far:

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

def asOption0[C](c: C)(implicit ev: IsEmpty[({ type B[A] = C })#B]) =
  if (ev.isEmpty(c)) None else Some(c)

def asOption1[A, C[_]](c: C[A])(implicit ev: IsEmpty[C]) =
  if (ev.isEmpty(c)) None else Some(c)

asOption0 works for primitive types like String (by using a type lambda to indicate that C has the shape B[_]) and asOption1 works for types with an unary type constructor like List:

scala> asOption0("")
res1: Option[String] = None

scala> asOption1(List(1,2,3))
res0: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3))

scala> asOption0(List(1,2,3))
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter
                     ev: scalaz.IsEmpty[[A]List[Int]]

scala> asOption1("hello")
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter
                     ev: scalaz.IsEmpty[Comparable]

Is it possible to write one method that works for String, List, and types of higher kind at the same time?

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Soluzione 2

With the help of scalaz.Unapply it is possible to write a generic asOption that works for many different types (those that are supported by Unapply) and that does not require any additional implicit conversions:

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

def asOption[MA](ma: MA)(implicit U: Unapply[IsEmpty, MA]): Option[MA] =
  if (U.TC.isEmpty(U(ma))) None else Some(ma)

asOption("")              //> res0: Option[String] = None
asOption("hello")         //> res1: Option[String] = Some(hello)

asOption(List[Int]())     //> res2: Option[List[Int]] = None
asOption(List(1,2))       //> res3: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2))

asOption(Map[Int,Int]())  //> res4: Option[Map[Int,Int]] = None
asOption(Map(1 -> 2))     //> res5: Option[Map[Int,Int]] = Some(Map(1 -> 2))

Here is the first part of Unapply's docstring:

Represents a type MA that has been destructured into as a type constructor M[_] applied to type A, along with a corresponding type class instance TC[M].

The implicit conversions in the companion object provide a means to obtain type class instances for partially applied type constructors, in lieu of direct compiler support as described in SI-2712.

Altri suggerimenti

scala> asOption0(List(1,2,3))
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter
                     ev: scalaz.IsEmpty[[A]List[Int]]

This error tells you that it can not find an IsEmpty instance for a list, and that is because the type parameter doesn't matter. Scalaz has an implicit for any list, regardless of the type parameter.

The method requests an IsEmpty[List[Int]] and Scalaz only has one available for IsEmpty[List[_]]. Since IsEmpty doesn't care about the contents of list, we just make the asOption0 method happy by supplying a more detailed version of IsEmpty:

def asOption0[C](c: C)(implicit ev: IsEmpty[({ type B[_] = C })#B]) =
  if (ev.isEmpty(c)) None else Some(c)  

implicit def detailedIsEmpty[A, C[_]](implicit ev: IsEmpty[C]) =
  ev.asInstanceOf[IsEmpty[({ type B[_] = C[A] })#B]]

asOption0("test")             //> res0: Option[String] = Some(test)
asOption0(List(1, 2, 3))      //> res1: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2, 3))
asOption0("")                 //> res2: Option[String] = None
asOption0(List[Int]())        //> res3: Option[List[Int]] = None


I took another look at the problem and found a solution that seems a bit cleaner. I fear it's not the result the OP is looking for.

trait IsEmptyLike[F] {
  def isEmpty(fa: F): Boolean

object IsEmptyLike {

  implicit def case0[A](implicit ev: IsEmpty[({ type B[_] = A })#B]) =
    new IsEmptyLike[A] {
      def isEmpty(fa: A): Boolean = ev.isEmpty(fa)
  implicit def case1[A[_], B](implicit ev: IsEmpty[A]) =
    new IsEmptyLike[A[B]] {
      def isEmpty(fa: A[B]): Boolean = ev.isEmpty(fa)
  implicit def case2[A[_, _], B, C](implicit ev: IsEmpty[({ type D[X] = A[B, X] })#D]) =
    new IsEmptyLike[A[B, C]] {
      def isEmpty(fa: A[B, C]): Boolean = ev.isEmpty(fa)

def asOption[C](c: C)(implicit ev: IsEmptyLike[C]) =
  if (ev.isEmpty(c)) None else Some(c)
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