
I'm struggling with figuring out how to document a large codebase. We have a series of components, most of which have Backbone Models, Views, and Collections. YUIdocs has been chosen as our standard tool. I want to make sure the documentation is actually useful going forward and am not quite certain about some standards that may have already been decided in the industry.

How can I document the following?

  • A Simple Backbone Model:

    define(['backbone'], function (Backbone) {
        return Backbone.Model.extend({
            defaults: {
                foo: '',
                bar: '',
                baz: ''
  • A constructor that accepts a settings object, which is merged into the module's defaults. It seems as though there is a @default paramater in YUIdocs but it doesn't seem to support an object -- perhaps there is something I can do differently here?

    initialize: function (settings) {
        this.settings = _.extend(this.settings, settings);
  • Standard Backbone parameters such as events and model.

    events: {
        'click #foo' : 'bar'
    model: foo
È stato utile?


For the simple backbone model, you'd document the object that's being returned. In YUIDoc, it would be referred to as a "class". It's also instantiable (you use the "new" keyword with it) and it extends some other object. Therefore, you'd start like this:

 * A customized Backbone.Model that represents...
 * @class MyModel
 * @constructor
 * @extends Backbone.Model
return Backbone.Model.extend({

The default attributes foo, bar, and baz, you could document with @attribute. Attributes are actually a pretty specialized concept in YUI, but when you step back a little, Backbone Model attributes are conceptually similar. So I think it makes sense to borrow the terminology. Otherwise, you could use @property.

 * Indicates that...
 * @attribute rendered
 * @default ''
 * @type String
 foo: ''

For a constructor that accepts a settings object, AND that settings object has certain default values, see the source for how Y.Router is documented:

For standard Backbone parameters such as events and model, use @property. For events, you will want to describe in plain English which event listeners it sets up.

Good luck, and if you use IRC, feel free to chime in #yui on if you have YUIDoc questions!

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