
So I'm given a std::tuple<T...>, and I want to create a function pointer accepting T..., currently this is what I've got;

template<typename... Arguments>
using FunctionPointer = void (*)(Arguments...);

using FunctionPtr = FunctionPointer<typename std::tuple_element<0, V>::type,
                                    typename std::tuple_element<1, V>::type,
                                    typename std::tuple_element<2, V>::type>;

However I can't seem to find a way to do this, without manually entering each and every index from 0, ..., tuple_size<V>::value. The FunctionPtr is defined in a context, where V=std::tuple<T...> (also there is already a variadic template (hence I can't just pass T... directly))

I guess I need to generate some list of indexes, and do some black magic..

È stato utile?


Here is a possible solution:

#include <tuple>

// This is what you already have...
template<typename... Arguments>
using FunctionPointer = void (*)(Arguments...);

// Some new machinery the end user does not need to no about
namespace detail
    struct from_tuple { };

    template<typename... Ts>
    struct from_tuple<std::tuple<Ts...>>
        using FunctionPtr = FunctionPointer<Ts...>;

// This is how your original alias template ends up being rewritten
template<typename T>
using FunctionPtr = typename detail::from_tuple<T>::FunctionPtr;

And here is how you would use it:

// Some function to test if the alias template works correctly
void foo(int, double, bool) { }

int main()
    // Given a tuple type...
    using my_tuple = std::tuple<int, double, bool>;

    // Retrieve the associated function pointer type...
    using my_fxn_ptr = FunctionPtr<my_tuple>; // <== This should be what you want

    // And verify the function pointer type is correct!
    my_fxn_ptr ptr = &foo;

Altri suggerimenti

A simple trait might do the trick:

#include <tuple>

template <typename> struct tuple_to_function;

template <typename ...Args>
struct tuple_to_function<std::tuple<Args...>>
    typedef void (*type)(Args...);


typedef std::tuple<Foo, Bar, int> myTuple;

tuple_to_function<myTuple>::type fp; // is a void (*)(Foo, Bar, int)
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