
I have QTableView - mainTableView, in some cells of which I need to show another QTableView - cellTableView.
Actually I found 2 ways:
1) Use pTableView->setIndexWidget
2) Use pTableView->openPersistentEditor and implement an ItemDelegate.
I have tried both ways and the problem is just the same. When I use an ItemDelegate without openPersistentEditor everything works good. Otherwise, as I understand, there is a problem with focus and with HeaderView of the table in a cell.

I would like to solve the following problems:

  • sometimes instead of a HeaderView of cellTableView, background of mainTableView is shown.
  • When I press a key on a cell of cellTableView, editor for this cell is not opened but the pressed symbol is set to the cell (editor opened->editor receives "FocusOut" signal->editor is closed, pressed value is stored to the cell).
    With space key or double click editing works good.

Someone could me explain how to solve this behavior?

È stato utile?


I have found this solution.
For my case I need even less and it works just great! I switch a cell to the edit mode manually, when the cell is selected.

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